A letter from my mother (1987)

My mother wrote this letter way back in 1987 when I was finally coming out of my awful teenage rebel years and I had just met my first husband

It was handwritten in pencil but I felt that it needed to be recorded and seen as it is so bittersweet and poignant

I will never get over causing my parents such worry and heartbreak but my hope is that I have finally made them proud


By Pat Nickolls – 1987

(I had originally thought of writing a joint letter to my four children but after much thought I have decided to write individual ones. I hope that they won’t find them too sentimental or silly, but I feel I must write them)

Dear Helen

When deciding to write to you all I knew that yours would be the first letter.  

You are the different one, featuring my side of the family.  In fact, everyone who sees you as you grow older comments on how much like my sister Mal you are. You look, act and speak like her.  It seems so strange that this can be so.  You even seem to make the same mistakes as she did when she was your age

All these coincidences make me sure that life is fate…what will be will be

I hope you won’t be upset when I say you were a total surprise to your father and I

John was two years old and Sheila just three months old when you were conceived.  A perfect family in most eyes.  We were so happy and content and that is when you were conceived in a time of complete happiness.  Phycologists could perhaps make something of this fact?

After the initial shock of finding out about your infiltration into the family we were delighted ….that is everyone except your Grandma Nickolls who was by this time convinced that your father was a sex maniac and I his unwilling slave!

When you arrived just after Sheila’s first birthday we all received shock number 2.. You were 8lb 9oz!

Rather large for a mother who tried desperately to reach 5ft 1in in high healed shoes.  You were born with thick, silky, jet black hair that stood up vertically and shone like polished ebony.  I don’t think one person passed your cot in the maternity home without commenting on your hair.  Even then you had to be an individual.

Of course, the fun started when I took you home.  John not yet 3 years old and Sheila still crawling and all of you in nappies.  At this point you decided that you would get more attention if you refused milk unless I walked around whilst feeding you.  I very much enjoyed this time as I always adored babies and although it was hard work you were all so good

As you grew and started walking, another of your individual traits appeared.  I dressed you each morning and as the day went on you would gradually remove all of your clothes and by mid afternoon you would be dressed only in pants no matter what the weather.  Try and I might to stop you, you insisted on this daily ritual.  Thank heavens that this phase finished before you started school

I must have missed you when you went off to school for why else should David arrive on the scene?

Now you were no longer the baby I think that this affected you rather more that I had imagined it would. John and Sheila were so pleased when David was born, but you seemed rather uninterested

The next few years seemed full of events and incidents

Helen the gymnast, very talented and daring, you again commanded the attention of all who watched you, but as is your nature as things got more serious you were no longer interested.  It has always been this way with you.  A prime example being swimming.  Again an artist in the water, not a ripple as you sped through the water at great speed.  The instructors always picked you for the squad or the school team, but whereas most of the other team members dashed to their parents demanding to know how many seconds they had been in front of the rest, you were only interested if you came 1st.

At 15 years of age you really decided to shock us.  Even now I can’t bear to think of those days.  They are like a nightmare my darling little daughter, falling as you thought in love with a PUNK ROCKER! ‘it’ being a 5ft 2in skinny, drug addicted, petty criminal and the biggest creep ever born

We pleaded with you to stop seeing him and you pleaded your love for him. I don’t know if it was worse when he was around and you were rude and uncouth, neglecting you school and college work, failing your exams and worrying us to death in case you also took drugs

Or was it when on frequent occasions when he was in prison and you were morose, weepy, playing Bridge over Troubled Waters until I could scream and forever writing endless letters to ‘it’

Your appearance was an embarrassment particularly to your father who is very conservative in his tastes. Ironically you went back to your original hair style – now called PUNK. Jet black hair, vertical, no longer silkily and soft it was harsh and spiky. Beautiful skin covered in layers of make-up oh and the eyes, oh those eyes! Dracula’s daughter could have been proud of them.. and why oh why black lipstick? Anything slightly ordinary, laughed at : anything grotesque worn with pride.

It nearly broke our hearts when you moved in with ‘it’. The squalor you lived in appalled us. How could you leave your comfortable home for that!? “Love” you said..

Well after 4 years of abject misery for the family and a long jail sentence for ‘it’ you at last saw the light

I couldn’t believe it was happening, it was like a light shining at the end of a very dark tunnel.  I worried even then and I think you did too, what ‘its’ reaction to the break up would be but along came Dave, your present love.  I don’t think I can ever find words enough to thank him for being there when you needed him most… that day ‘it’ came out of prison.

Well all that seems like a horrific dream now and it iswonderful to see you blossoming as I knew you could and showing that you are a very special person. Still very much an individual andstill many problems to resolve but I now know that you will come through because you have reached the bottom and the only way now is up.

I shall always be ready to help you and love you as I always did, even when you thought the whole world was against you.

Love Mum xx

Epclusa- My journey

My Journey through 12 weeks of Hep C Medication.

Tuesday 21st May 2019

After 9 months of waiting I am hoping to start my treatment tomorrow.

I think the stress has been making me feel more grim than usual with awful headaches, sleep disturbances and IBS episodes. Also my anxiety levels are pretty high all mixed in with the unrelenting fatigue which plagues me every day. I’m so worried that they are going to delay again and say they want more tests, yet I’m also terrified of the medication and possible side effects. I just want to feel like a normal functioning human being again.

Given that treatment will start I aim to write a little every day to chart my journey to possibly help others in the future going through the same journey.

Wednesday 22nd May

Day One\

I have been prescribed a three month course of Epclusa – a trade name for a combination of sofosburvir and velpatasvirl. Apparently my genotype is 2 which is unusual in European people but generally reacts well to treatment. I’m to take one tablet with breakfast every day for 4 weeks when I go back to the hospital for a check to see how things are going and to get my 2nd month supply. Finally after my third bottle they will wait for 3 months to elapse and test to see if I’ve reached lasting cure.

Difficult to say how I’m reacting to the first dose as I took diazepam before the trip to the hospital as I was so nervous. I feel much the same as normal so far, maybe a little nausea but nothing I can’t deal with. I’ve had a nap so I’ll see how I feel in a couple of hours. So pleased to be finally starting treatment. Just hoping I can carry on pretty much as normal and not miss work during treatment

Thursday 23rd May

Day 2

I slept really well but was pretty spaced out as I had taken diazepam yesterday along with the relief of finally starting treatment I was out for the count.

I worked my office shift this morning but didn’t take my tablet until I got home just in case it made me woozy and not safe to drive. I do feel a bit spacey and slightly nauseous but I’ve been distracted with a little photo shoot with Amy and also we are taking Ted to the vets this afternoon. So far so good but I hear this can be and up and down treatment so we shall see day by day .. holy hell not sure if it’s related but after a bout of constipation I’ve just evacuated my entire bowel. Not to put too finer point on it but it smelled liked the elephant house in there! Is this the virus coming out already? Who knows. I feel ok just spacey still and very very tired. It’s 6.15pm and I’ve come up to bed. Big day at office and grooming tomorrow so I’ll see how that goes.

Friday 24th May

Day 3

Went to bed super early last night as I was absolutely exhausted by about 2pm. Will take today’s tablet just a little later when I get to Keely’s so I don’t hit the exhaustion wall to early. I feel ok, didn’t sleep so well last night and woke up very early 4am. If I had to describe how I feel it’s like having a bit of a hangover after a wild night. We shall see what today brings. Early days. Forgot to say yesterday that Nick and Joe went for blood tests to rule out cross infection. We need to wait a week but evidence suggests there is only a 1% chance so fingers crossed. Managed to do my office and dog groom shift with no real problems. Quite an easy day in the dog shop though so it made life easier. Still went to sleep for an hour as soon as I got home. I don’t feel any different really, I have a manageable headache which I sip water to alleviate and well my tiredness is just who I am at this point. I do feel a sense of relief that I don’t think I will have to miss work during my treatment.

I’ve just had a Chinese curry for tea and it’s 7.30 and I’m ready for bed now. Bank Holiday weekend this weekend and so will have a chance to chill out a bit. All in all not too bad so far

So the curry went through me like a railroad 😩 it would appear bland, blonde food will be on the menu for a while. Ughhhhh oh Lord explosive shits… common side effect so not worried just grossed out.

Saturday 25th May

Day 4

Despite the dreaded explosive poo action of last night I slept well although Nick and I did both wake up at 4am again. I think this is far less to do with the medication and more to do with the happy tweety birds singing the dawn chorus! So far today I have had no obvious problems and no headache. I had a little nap after our early start and have deep conditioned my hair as apparently dry and brittle hair can be a side effect and I couldn’t cope with it all snapping off again after it’s just grown back! So far so good and I’ve even pegged out some washing! Go me. Should probably think about improving my diet at this point but as it’s the Bank Holiday I’ll let the junk commence for just a few more days. Saturday night is pizza night so we shall see how that works out for me! Wish me luck xx.

Sunday 26th May

Day 5

Well no unpleasant episodes of any kind yesterday thankfully. Still went to bed early as I got really tired around my usual hit the wall time of about 3-4pm. I slept well though and have just taken pill 5 with a snack as usual. I need to stop reading possible side effects as I’m doing my own head in. The latest is the worry that all my hair will fall out again, the bloody stuff has only just grown back again!! I will do a deep conditioning treatment twice a week and keep everything crossed. I just need to suck it up if I want rid of this damn disease. After not having any joint pain for a while I have noticed this morning that my knees and ankles are sore again, not sure if this is related but thought was worth noting. Will check in later if anything interesting happens but if not will keep on keeping on.

Went for a Sunday lunch with Nick where we had to swap restaurants as the first was appalling! Had a full beef dinner so we shall see what happens there. Gross alert the constipation has been back since the last ‘episode’ so I could probably do with a clear out! Still so very tired all the time, its 6.30 pm now and even though I have been napping on the sofa I am so ready for my bed. Tried to watch a film but still can’t concentrate long enough to stay awake.

Monday 27th May

Day 6

Busy day today, it is my niece’s baby shower and I’m doing a bit of a pre party family maternity shoot and then staying on the capture the fun of the day.

Slept pretty well and went to mum and dads for coffee before arriving at Amy’s for around 10am. Had a great time but ate loads of naughty food (cake) and was exhausted when I got home around 6pm. I don’t know if it’s because the Lanzoprapol (sp) antacid is now out of my system or because I ate shite or a combination of both but my indigestion and acid reflux are back in force. Can’t take anything for it as I need the acid to make the meds work effectively. Sipped water and slept sitting up which helped. Need to really think about my food choices from this point. Still tired and spacey but apart from the vile acid all ok. Can’t believe it’s nearly been a week already!

Tuesday 28th May

Day 7

A whole week already. Doesn’t time fly when you are no longer in limbo!

I did my shift in the office this morning and them popped to see Amy. Have come home and edited most of the shots from yesterdays party. The computer work has made me real tired now though so I had a shower and put a deep conditioning treatment on my hair again. Still plagued by acid reflux and my digestion has slowed to a stop again… to be fair I think I’d rather have the shits. I feel bunged up to buggery. NEED to change my diet asap but scared of eating certain things. Oh well just keep on keeping on…6pm and I’m in bed already. No naps today and lots of computer work so I’m shattered. Decided on no tea of coffee after I ate this eve as that seems to bring on the indigestion. Full office / grooming day tomorrow so hope I sleep ok

Wednesday 29th May

Day 8

Indigestion much better last night but I ate early and avoided tea and coffee before bed and just sipped water. Went to seep at 7pm and pretty much slept through apart from a toilet break and a kick at Nick to stop him snoring. Ironically still knackered this morning, sat in office now nodding then off grooming at 9am. I still take my pill when I get to Keely’s just in case it does make me woozy as I’m already half asleep when I’m driving. I NEED to stop going on the support website so much. As much as it is really helpful for some things it also is full of people talking about rashes, hair loss, hearing problems and all manner of scary side effects. I guess it’s like reviews you only really write about the bad ones. Ooooh new symptom/ side effect… didn’t even know it was one until I looked it up. I’ve suddenly developed a horrible sore throat. Don’t know why I sound excited as its vile. I suppose it means the meds are doing something I guess. Short day grooming which I’m glad about as I’m sore and knackered

Thursday 30th May

Day 9

Sore throat still there but I don’ actually think it’s connected and suspect it could be a hay fever symptom. In other news Nick and Joe got the all clear from the docs yesterday so that is a massive relief all round. The tiredness is as bad as it’s ever been but apparently that is very common and so trying to just wade through it like I have been. After an absence of a few weeks my knees and ankles are hurting again now but hey ho, hopefully that will all be in the past soon. Digestion is still as slow as a snail, thinking of taking something to ‘move things along’. Always a bit worried it might go in the other direction though so I’ll wait and see.

Friday 31st May

Day 10

Still no real ‘movement’ in the bowel area which is more annoying than anything. I appear to have developed a bit of a summer cold which again is annoying and wakes me up as I can’t breath properly and am gasping for water. I also have started having really vivid dreams. I never really notice I had stopped dreaming until they came back. All in all not a bad day today, it’s Miley’s 5th birthday so I took her to the office and we had a little walk on the chase when I finished. I think trying to get a bit of fresh air every day will make a big difference. Still need to address my dreadful diet.. no wonder I can’t shit!

Saturday 1st June

Day 11

Despite eating crap last night still no crap!

It’s difficult to describe how I’m feeling to be honest as I now have a cold and so who knows if the throat, hot flushes, running nose etc are that, the cold, hay fever, treatment or all of the above. Anyway I feel like shite, but it’s the 1st June and the Sun is out so trying not to be a miserable git. I was thinking about an article I read once about if our livers are under attack we don’t often get ill with other stuff as it almost puts a shield of antibodies around it to protect it more. I didn’t think about this until my cold as I honestly can’t remember when I had a bad cold or flu virus. Not sure but interesting non the less. Obviously you will be the first to know if there is any movement downstairs so to speak but for now ttfn

Well I’m pleased to report that after the long wait, poonami finally arrived! Can’t believe I’m so thrilled about shit all of a sudden, my life is a conundrum. I think things were helped along by an olive and jalapeños pizza which was a bit spicy and clearly got things moving. In other news the snot continues and I’m dripping like a tap. Saturday 6.50pm and I’m in bed again. So rock n roll. Went down the retail park earlier. I’ve brought some shop ‘innocent’ smoothies which I know aren’t as good as the real thing but given that I just don’t have the energy to make my own I decided they would at least bung a few vitamins into me while I’m on treatment.

Sunday 2nd June

Day 12

Really nasty summer cold still and not been out of my pj’s all day. Totally bunged up and snotty with all the aches and pains that go with it. Been taking Beechams, the doc said paracetamol etc was ok and to be honest without it I would go mad.. Nothing much to report otherwise apart from my bowels seem to be working better… long may it continue! Very thirsty all the time but that I think is probably from mouth breathing. Not had a nap today but it’s 5.30 and I’m ready for bed. I really hope my health improves following this treatment, I feel such a useless sack of crap at the moment and am just existing day to day. It reminds me when I was drinking and never went out. Oh well must keep on keeping on.

Monday 3rd June

Day 13

13 is obviously unlucky for me today as it’s not been a great day as I’m still full of cold and have a raging headache and heartburn just to finish me off. Things didn’t get off to a great start with Joe waking me up coming in at 4am and setting Ralph off. I was unable to go back to sleep and although I got through my office shift I’ve once again spent the rest of the day feeling like crap on the sofa. I really hope things improve by tomorrow as it will be a full on day of office and grooming, if I feel like this it will be a grueller. 6.10pm now and I’m looking forward to bed so much. After tomorrow only 10 weeks left of treatment! Wooo hooo! Really want to think about rebooking our trip to Borth but need to see how things pan out first. Still got the autoimmune thing nagging away in the back of my head. Only time can tell how that will turn out. Patience Helen, learn some bloody patience!! TTFN

Tuesday 4th June

Day 14

Hello insomnia, I’ve been expecting you. Still full of cold and exhausted but now I can’t sleep either. It’s like my brain won’t turn off. Again I’m trying to be a bit Pollyanna about it and thinking that things are happening and rewiring inside me somehow. Going to have to dig deep today though. It’s only 7.30am and I’m already nodding. I suppose a load of wet dogs will either kill me or cure me. Nick off to London tonight so I’ll have the bed to myself, although I hate it when he’s not there. I’ve also ordered a sleep mask as I think the light nights and mornings aren’t helping with my sleep patterns. Two weeks in and 10 to go…. Lets see what else crops up!

Wednesday 5th June

Day 15

Well my black out mask worked a treat, unfortunately the dogs were all out of sorts with Nick being away and had me up and down like a whores drawers all night so I’m knackered today. Office went ok but then though we had visitors this afternoon so been cleaning more than usual. This cold is still kicking my arse and I feel bloody dreadful now. Thankfully the visit is off so I can just die on the sofa as per normal. Glad Nick is back, didn’t realise quite how much I rely on him until he’s not here. Just had some cold and flu meds, trying not to take to much but my whole body aches right now.

Thursday 6th June

Day 16

Another rubbish nights sleep by Ralph vomiting again, then ending up in our bed with me worried stupid over him. These dogs will kill me long before liver disease ever does! Gahhh. Anyway still a big old snot bag but not grooming today and so I will try and rest as much as I can. I’ve been drinking the raw fruit and veg smoothies daily and although they trigger my acid something terrible I do feel better for getting some vitamins into my system. Today I’ve had a bout of the dreaded tinnitus I have been dreading. Apparently it is one of the most common side effects of Epclusa, I just hope it doesn’t become a real nuisance. To be fair I need my ears syringed. Will get some drops from the chemist to get them sorted before they get too bunged up. Beautiful day today, I just can’t wait to have enough energy to enjoy days like this and take my beloved doggies out again. … onwards

Friday 7th June

Day 17

Today was not a good day. After another unsettled night with the dogs I woke up exhausted and aching all over. I was going to call in sick at work as the thought of grooming was nearly making me cry. Really didn’t want to leave my friend in the lurch though so dug deep and got in done. Fortunately it was an early finish and I came home and fell asleep for two hours on the sofa. This bloody cold is still bringing me down, I’m like a snot factory. Hopefully by the end of the weekend it will have buggered off.

Saturday 8th June

Day 18

A much more settled night last night with no drama, dog or otherwise also have the whole weekend to rest and try and see this cold off. I’m definitely noticing my blood sugar crashes have improved dramatically. Digestive system (poo) still a bit hit and miss but certainly not worse. Appetite is down a bit which is good as I’m a fat blimp at the moment. I suspect it’s due to this cold though, everything tastes metallic and horrible. I need to feel better very soon as the family (my niece) will be welcoming her new baby boy into the world this weekend. Exciting times.

Sunday 9th June

Day 19

Not much time to focus on feeling crappy today as we were on baby countdown for my niece all day. It was a long day and I was exhausted when I got home. Straight to bed really so not much to report.

Monday 10th June

Day 20

Baby Bernie has finally arrived much to the delight and relief of the whole family.

Health wise I’ve not been so good, I’ve had the most horrible griping trapped wind pains all day coupled with a massive headache. I slept for ages on the sofa but am still in bed early as it’s a full work day again tomorrow. I keep drinking my vitamin green juices and I am upping my water uptake as both these things apparently will help with the symptoms. Three weeks in already though so I just need to keep going and focus on the bigger picture

Tuesday 11th June

Day 21

3 weeks in already who knew! Not a bad day all told. Still got this lingering tummy / wind ache but apart from that not bad. Tired because it’s been a long day. Did an experiment with my blood sugar today. Had breakfast at the office as usual but then just a smoothie for lunch at work and no crashes, sweats or shakes. I call that massive progress. Been drinking plenty more water too as it really does help with the headaches. Still paranoid my hair is going to suddenly all fall out but really not much more I can do than I already am so what will be will be. Back to hospital next week for next round of bloods to see how my numbers are doing. Feeling optimistic

Wednesday 12th June

Day 22

Not a bad day with nothing really much to report apart from my knee joints have suddenly started hurting again after being ok for a while. A bit of a lazy day apart from seeing my new great nephew and taking some pics (that could explain the knees actually). Had a nap in the afternoon as went out for dinner with old friends last night and given that I’m usually in bed by 7.30pm that’s a late night!

Blood sugar crashes continue to diminish and my bowels have finally started to move again which I hope continues. So really apart from the ongoing tiredness I feel ok .

Thursday 13th June

Day 23


This has been the word of the day today. Got home from the office and literally couldn’t do anything apart from lie like some sort of beached whale on the sofa most of the day. I did manage to edit a few pics but my eyes literally hurt when I do so I’ll have to do it in bits. Apart from the chronic tiredness and hurty knees I’ve been ok though. Acid reflux seems to be settling and or I’m learning how to manage it. We have movement ‘downstairs’ too which has stopped the griping tummy aches I was getting. Did I mention I was tired? In bed by 7pm and slept through until my alarm.

Friday 14th June

Day 24


Woke up very tired at the alarm again this morning, the fatigue does seem to be increasing but at least the cold is all but gone…hoorah! Busy day both at office and grooming but nothing much to report apart from after having breakfast at the office all I had at work was my green juice with no sugar crashes. I’m so pleased that has cleared up as it was such a nuisance eating every 2 hours. I might be able to lose some weight again at some point.

Got home and we had a Chinese. I went for a fairly boring beef and mushroom curry but they forgot the rice and chips so basically I had curry soup with prawn crackers. Anyhoo not sure if I blame side effects or the curry but honestly at this point I care not but the poo floodgates opened and emptied my bunged up bowels from all I’ve eaten over the last few weeks. To quote from Bridesmaids , it was coming out of me like lava!! Anyway pretty disgusting but I do feel so much better for it. Kind of hoping that might just be the start of things going back to normal with my digestion. But we shall see.

Saturday 15th June

Day 25

Not much to report today good or bad really. Too busy worrying about Amy to think about much else. I did give the dogs a good brush though, I wouldn’t have had the energy to do that a few weeks ago. Still mega tired but Rome wasn’t built in a day and I’ve heard folks say the fatigue can last for up to two years after treatment has finished. Early night as usual.

Sunday 16th June

Day 26

Father’s Day today so up and out for a family breakfast with Nick’s folks first thing and then on to my parents after that. Also called to see Keely as it’s her birthday tomorrow and I won’t see her. Managed to not ‘nap’ today but I do feel really tired now so am in bed early again – 7.30pm seems to be my cut off point these days. After the excitement of Poonami we are now back to rabbit droppings which is a tad disappointing but at least my tummy ache has gone. I’m definitely feeling slight improvements but the fatigue continues to be the biggest hurdle.

Monday 17th June

Day 27

Scary hair! My hair is getting drier and more brittle as the days go on. I know this is a side effect and I’m trying to not wash or style it unless absolutely essential. I deep condition it twice a week but not making much difference. I really hope it doesn’t start to snap and shed again like it did before, I’ve just got it looking halfway decent again. Worth it to get rid of this awful disease though I guess. I seem to be getting really tired again quickly but I am trying to get some fresh air when I can and went for a short walk with Nick and the dogs which I think I need to start building up again. All this lounging on the sofa has made me a fat lazy cow. Little and often is going to be my mantra going forward. Nearly a month in though with two to go. Back to the hospital on Wednesday.

Monday 24th June

Day 34

Sorry I have been very neglectful of this blog… which I suppose is a good thing as it means this ‘thing’ isn’t on my mind 24/7 any more. On Wednesday we went to the hospital to get my 4 weekly blood tests and also get my next bottle of pills. To my surprise she gave me two months supply so I don’t have to go back until August now. I’m not allowed to access my blood results (ITS MY BLOOD!) apparently so I spoke to my GP Emma and she is going to run some midway tests for me in a couple of weeks to see how my numbers are looking. I can tell things are getting better though, as I mentioned before my digestive problems are continuing to improve although I have learned that Chinese food of any kind and these meds do NOT mix… off the menu for a few weeks… ughhh. Although it is kind of like a tasty colonic irrigation treatment, ho ho!

I also actually managed to do some REAL house work rather than just the essentials over the weekend, giving the conservatory a good clean. I couldn’t even have contemplated that a few weeks ago. I get the weirdest dreams these days too, it’s strange that I didn’t realise I had stopped dreaming until I started again.

All in all a good report, although they did bring up the dreaded Autoimmune Hepatitis up again at my appointment so I’m paranoid about that again now. Keeping everything crossed that the Hep drugs kill all the nasties and the viral infection is responsible for my high numbers and autoimmune markers.

Sunday 7th July

Day 47

Sorry been a busy bee and not updated as much as I should. Always a drama. Let’s get the shit out the way first (literally). After weeks of no movement or the odd poonami I finally drank practically half a bottle of syrup of figs… you know what it worked and so far and fingers crossed things are nearly back to normal in that department. Yay poogate might be over!!

I hit a wall last week, falling asleep on the sofa again for hours at a time after feeling a bit more wakeful in general. I then tracked it to the fact I had been taking Piriton for hay fever for a few days and that obviously ramped up the sedative effects. I went back to normal after I stopped taking them.

Today has been pretty amazing actually and I’m not sure if it will last or not but I honestly feel like somebody put some speed in my tea this morning. I was walking with Ralph at 5.30am, taking photographs of old fashioned gypsies in Milford at 6.30am and eating breakfast in bod by 8.30am. It’s a sort of weird feeling, not bad but I’ve felt in such a fog for such a long time I feel sort of anxious but happy all at the same time. I just hope it continues to improve. I had my bloods taken last Wednesday so I should see where my ALT levels and Viral loads are at as we are at the halfway point. Fingers crossed the numbers are going down. TTFN

Tuesday 9th July

Day 49


I’ve like a junkie on crack for the last couple of days. At first it was awesome being more wakeful but now I can’t sleep and I’m getting grouchy and my headaches are coming back. Not sure how long this little side effect will last but hopefully not long as I fear for the lives of my nearest and dearest. Also working is going to be an absolute nightmare with not enough sleep. Keeping the faith though, it’s the drugs working and so I’m digging deep and cracking on

Monday 15th July

Day whatever..

Feeling very deflated right now but will come back to that.

The good news is that the insomia didn’t last too long and I never thought I would be pleased to report I am back to sleeping 24/7 again. POOGATE also seems to have sorted itself out (for now). Can’t recommend syrup of figs enough.

Went to see Emma to get some half way bloods done so we can check my progress. Wolverhampton hospital simply refuse to share any results with my GP’s despite several requests. The results included good news and bad news…

The good news – My viral load has dropped from 17 million to undetected in 6 weeks. I no longer have hep C. I still have to finish the course and then wait the 3 months for the SVR12 test to make sure it’s gone for good.

The bad news – Normally liver function tests drop to normal at the same rate as the viral load. My test indicated this has not only not happened but they have actually raised by nearly 100. Sadly despite trying to find evidence to the contrary this puts Autoimmune Hepitits firmly back on the table. I’m absolutely gutted but still praying for a miracle.

If this is the case by the new year I could be on a combination of steroids and immune suppression drugs that will make Epclusa seem like a party in the park. Trying not to freak out but freaking out is what I do best…. Ffs

Wednesday 31st July

Two weeks to go!

After my last update I was so deflated. Obviously delighted that the Hep C was gone but gutted that my liver functions were actually rising. I scoured the internet looking for answers that all seemed to lead back to Autoimmune liver disease ( a life sentence)

Last week I was getting so anxious about it I asked Guy to run my viral load and liver function tests again to see what was happening and today I got the most amazing news.

The viral load is still <15 meaning undetected but the shock of my life is that my ALT level has dropped from nearly 600 to just 12 in a few weeks. I don’t want to get too excited but this looks like I am looking at a total cure. I’ve been on such a rollercoaster this year that I’m trying not to dance around like a loony but I’m so happy, I’ve been so scared for so long.

I still have two weeks of my Epclusa to take and true to the predictions of others that have been on this drug, I do feel more exhausted than ever. I will take this feeling though as I now can see the light at the end of this seemingly endless tunnel. Keeping everything crossed for my next hospital visit in a fortnight.

Once I get these drugs out of my system I am going to do everything in my power to get my health and life back. If nothing else this episode of my life has taught me that without health, everything is pretty meaningless. I want to connect with the world again, get back in to photography and walk my dogs regularly again. I want to cook a meal for my family and not go to bed at 7pm every night. All of this is once again a possibility for me.

Sunday 11th August

Only 3 pills left!

I’m very excited to be finishing these drugs and getting them out of my system, this last couple of weeks have been hard not so much physically but mentally I have found myself very anxious and on the verge of panic much of the time. Also my quality of sleep is not so good. I asked the question on my Hep group as elevated anxiety seems very common at this stage. It appears to be a combination of the build up of lets face it a very strong drug coupled with the thoughts of if it has actually worked. Back to the hospital on Wednesday but I already know it’ gone and they never share my results with me anyway. Then it’s a 12 week wait for my SVR12 Status which means I am officially cured. SVR standing for Sustained Viral Response. Just hope my ALT levels are still down which to be fair I still can’t wrap my head round. Still feel like shit but hopefully by Xmas I should be feeling more myself.


I thought I would come back and just update this blog to give anybody going through this treatment the courage to continue and the knowledge that things can and will improve drastically once your treatment is over.

When I first finished my course the initial bloods confirmed the virus was gone from my body but of course you have to wait 3 long months to make sure you reach SVR12 and a confirmation that you are cured forever.

Initially after treatment although some of my symptoms were better, the chronic fatigue stayed with me. I had gained 20lbs in weight and I was as weak as a kitten. I think I had got stuck in the ‘poorly rut’ and so I made the decision to reclaim my life.

I started attending a slimming group and eating much better and after I lost the first 10lb I embarked on a couch to 5K running challenge with my Golden Retriever Miley.

It was so hard at first but here I am 3 months later with my SVR12 under my belt, 20lb lighter and running 5k 3 times a week and loving every minute of life.

There is light at the end of this tunnel folks, its a battle but ultimately so worth the rewards. I never knew how many issues this virus gave me until they all started to resolve. I feel 20 years younger.

Merry Xmas to you all xx


Here I am again with my year end round up

I was just going to title the blog and leave it there… BUT I will attempt to break it down a bit for entertainment purposes

That is if I can actually remember how things went down this year.

We seem to have been stuck in a groundhog situation with the “same old shit, different day” going round in a seemingly endless and depressing loop over and over again. Anyway saddle up and I’ll try and jog my foggy memory

Actually the anus horribliss pretty much started from the get go. At the end of 2019 I had graduated from my couch to 5K running course, sacked the Golden anchor that was my partner Miley and taken up with my willing and fun Labrador Ralphie. We were flying and I was enjoying my Canicross so much more. Sadly trying to show off and beat a woman with a labradoodle at the park run caused me to sustain a really nasty groin injury which was to put my running aspirations on hold for months. I was gutted

Having said this I was determined to keep my new found fitness levels up and so I found activities I could do without pain. This included rekindling my love affair with swimming, yoga and Canitrekking which is just a walking version of Canicross

Swimming, my biggest passion was sadly cut short for two reasons one is that my swimming cap gave me friction alopecia and having only just grown my hair back was just a disaster I didn’t want to repeat, also the pools were soon to be closed anyway and so ended that chapter (for now)

By this point it was March and despite my injury I continued to be active, carry on my jobs helping Keely at the grooming shop, working down at the family haulage business and generally living life to the full.

I have never been an avid news watcher, preferring to stay away from depressing headlines and the like but around March news of a virus from China was starting to enter everyday conversation. I like a lot of people didn’t give it too much thought preferring to put it in the ‘happening in other countries’ category. However this was the beginning of the end of life as we knew it.

At the end of March the U.K. was plunged into it’s first National Lockdown, essentially stopping all but the most necessary of tasks. We were to stay in our homes, not travel or meet up with other people. Shops, business, and all hospitality industries closed. We were allowed out for 1 hour of exercise a day but only from our own doorstep (no unnecessary journeys- unless you were Dominic rat face Cummings obviously)

To be fair the weather was glorious, the nation seemed to come together and we clapped and cheered on our doorstep every Thursday to thank our NHS. Children chalked rainbows on the pavements and painted pictures for the windows. There was almost a holiday element to it and I have to admit to rather enjoying the freedom from my daily routine. Nick and Sam were able to continue working as essential workers and so as non social types our lives didn’t change too much. We had weekly family zoom quizzes and I did home workouts to keep my fitness up. We kept our distance, wore our masks and waited to get back to normal….

We are still waiting…

Life was certainly different but thanks to modern technology and beautiful weather we adapted quickly.

In July the rug was pulled unceremoniously from under me with two devastating losses.

I had a lovely, energetic and full of life friend called Ange. We had been much thrown together over the years. Our parents lived next door to each other, we moved in the same social circles and our boys were in the same class at school. Angela had recently completed a gruelling but successful battle with breast cancer. The treatment had been brutal but she came through it with humour and grace and a renewed appreciation of life. Tragically only 3 short months later she was once again struck down with the evil disease and heartbreakingly lost her life at just 50 years old. So many mourned the force of nature that was Ange and even now I still don’t believe I won’t bump into her in the hairdressers or shops. RIP my friend you are missed

Around the same time an incident happened that I still have not fully recovered from and fear I never will.

My Labrador Ralph had always been a rather feisty character and could occasionally be aggressive towards other dogs meaning he was always kept on lead and one of the many reasons Canicross was so good for him. I always had him tacked up in gear that warned other owners to steer clear. His ‘I’m a bit of a dickhead’ lead sleeve was well known around these parts

He had never bitten a human but I was always mindful to warn people he could be unpredictable if they approached.

One fateful morning around 6am Nick decided to walk Ralph up the road to look at a scaffold job he was doing. On his return he met our neighbour and stopped for a chat. Ralph was on a lead and minding his own business and giving no cause to think anything untoward was going on. As they left to say goodbye our lovely neighbour instinctively leaned in to touch Ralph’s head and from nowhere Ralph launched a vicious attack causing devastating facial injuries. It was a totally unprovoked attack which left us no choice but to have our beautiful but deeply flawed boy put to sleep immediately

The mixture of grief, shame, guilt and shock was almost too much to bear but I had no doubt that he would have done the same again given a chance and next time it could have been a child which didn’t bear thinking about.

Our poor neighbour had to have hundreds of stitches in his face but thankfully he accepted our heartfelt apologies with such kindness and grace considering the circumstances and for that we are forever grateful

Sadly the people we had rehomed Ralph from didn’t feel the same and rubbed our noses in our guilt saying we could have done more to rehabilitate him, despite numerous sources including behavioural experts and vets telling me the contrary. I will never forgive them for adding salt to our already gaping wounds. Karma no doubt will visit them when it’s ready and that’s all I’ll say about that

Run free our little boy, you were beautifully flawed but so very loved

It wasn’t long at all after our loss that I started to hanker after another running buddy. We all know Miley is not a Canicross fan and Ted is just too big, heavy and lazy.

That being said a couple of months later we introduced Jet to our family

Jet is a rehomed Springer Spaniel who had come from an abusive home environment and was skin and bone. She has quickly become my new best friend and accompanies me everywhere, even to work at the grooming shop

She has gained weight is a great little running buddy and has brought the joy back into our family. She is adored by all who meet her and I can’t imagine life pre Jet now.

I like to think Ralph would have approved 🐾🌈

It’s nice to be back running again and I found myself a personal trainer to help me to improve my strength and conditioning and avoid further injuries. We’ve had a break through December but I am looking forward to getting back with the program in the New Year.

Covid still has us all locked down but with the rolling out of two new vaccines I have every hope that this time next year we can get back to some normality and visit our vulnerable family and friends again without fear.

I’m delighted to say my mum and dad and Nicks parents have had their first jabs and will be getting the next ones on the the 6th January. Such a relief after a worrying year.

I’ll be 6 years sober in January and despite a shitty 12 months I’ve remained firm in my resolve to NEVER drink alcohol again, something that makes me pretty proud of myself to be honest

Well not much fun to be had in that round up was there?


A list of good things that happened in 2020

* Sam moved into his new house next door

* Ted had successful ear surgery ridding him of the awful infections that had been plaguing him for years

* Joe turned 21 and is still very much in love with girlfriend Beth

* Nick had two new bespoke guitars made especially for him (just needs to be able to play with his band again now)

* Sam met the love of his life Danni and I’m delighted for them both

* My new girly boudoir was born

* My new loft ladder goes without saying 😂

Happy New Year folks

Stay happy, stay healthy and stay safe xx

Running with Ralph

Hi Folks, I’m back!

For anybody who followed my blog charting my journey from Couch to 5K with my Golden Retriever (anchor) Miley will know that once I had completed the training app I swapped my reluctant princess (who I had been dragging around for months) for my very strong and very enthusiastic Labrador Ralph.

Ralph was already trained up by my bff Keely to enjoy Canicross (cross country running with dogs) and so the first time I completed a 5K park run with him it was like being pulled by a train but I loved it. Sadly my legs did not love it and I overstretched my undertrained pins and suffered a pretty nasty groin injury which has had me on the bench since Christmas.

I’ve been continuing to walk, swim, do physio, yoga and strengthening exercises, but I am itching to get back out there. Given that I haven’t run for a couple of months and I have swapped dogs I have decided to go back to basics and start the C25K from the beginning with Ralph.

I may fast track it a bit this time depending on how we get on but I do find blogging these things helps me to see how I’m getting on and keeps my motivation going.

Here’s hoping for a successful and injury free journey.. TTFN x

2019 – well that was a weird one!

Hello my faithful followers…if you are still hanging in there

Here I am, back again with my annual bore fest round up of the year, it’s kind of a tradition now so suck it up buttercups.

I just had to go and revisit last years blog to see where we left off.

Things have been up and down like a whores drawers again and I wasn’t sure whether my pants were up or down at the beginning of 2019. Turns out they were down. After months of malaise and walking through treacle tiredness I was diagnosed with a serious liver disease.

It took months of blood tests and different specialists to pinpoint what the real issue was and finally start treatment. All the time I was trying to lead as normal as possible life as I could. Truth is I was just existing at this point. I was either working or I was sleeping or eating high sugar high fat junk just to try and get some energy. I had to drop a couple of grooming days with Keely as I simply couldn’t do two days back to back. I needed a day in between to just sleep and get enough energy for the next shift.

To be honest with you I was fucking fuming. I have worked so hard over the last 5 years to reclaim my life and health and to suddenly have it snatched away again felt like a cruel joke. At one point in my diagnosis it was thought I had autoimmune liver disease which although can be managed with drugs is incurable. It would have meant a life sentence of immune suppression and steroid treatment which scared me senseless.

Thankfully someone upstairs was looking out for me and I was finally started on a 3 months course of a fairly new drug, which has miraculously cured me and I am left feeling better now than I have in years.

It took a while for the chronic fatigue to leave me and having been essentially asleep and eating crap for a year I was in the worst shape of my life.

A wonderful relaxing spa trip to Hoar Cross Hall with one of my oldest friends really alerted me to how out of condition and heavy I had become. Swimming is my thing, I used to swim for the county when I was young and I’ve always prided myself on it being the only sport I was ever any good at. I love the pool at the Spa its always empty and I can float on my back and relax and contemplate the universe (and the crack in the ceiling). Now here’s the thing, the problem wasn’t the swimming or the floating on my back it was the getting myself out of the pool. Gravity can be a cruel thing and honestly trying to winch my fat arse out of that water nearly finished me off. It was at that moment that I realised I needed to stop being ‘poorly’ and start fighting back.

Staying with the spa theme here, all of the ladies in the family had visited Hoar Cross a decade ago to celebrate my mothers 70th birthday and we decided it would be a fabulous idea to go again for her 80th. After booking in we had a three month wait for the event which was in November.

One morning I popped round to my parents for coffee and I was royally fat shamed by my filterless mother! She even made me pull my top up so my dad could agree that my arse did actually resemble the size of a small country. My poor father couldn’t decide whether he dare disagree with mum or be kind to me about my enormous behind. He settled for a shuffle and a mumble of ‘well it’s a bit bigger than usual’ as she kept saying, “Brian, just look at it, look at those thighs” until he agreed. Poor dad. Anyway the tough love that is my mum worked and that day I decided to rejoin Slimming World and ditch the lard.

Actually it has become a bit of a family affair as my beautiful niece Amy had welcomed her gorgeous baby boy, Bernie into the world in the summer and she wanted to lose her baby weight before we had to get into swimsuits at the spa.

Mum also joined us and Thursday mornings are now a bit of a social event. My goal was to lose a stone before mums birthday treat and I managed to do just that. I’ve since gone on to lose another half a stone (although I fear my Christmas binge fest might have added the half stone back on).

Whilst all this was going on my bestie and grooming boss started a sport called Canicross. This is basically cross country running with dogs. All of her dogs were either to old or small to run so she asked if she could borrow our Lab Ralphie. Of course she could, he’s a dickhead and needs a good run to keep him sane. I had been very lax with the exercise during my illness and so he had put a bit of timber on too. Keely is a keen runner and has done marathons and all manner of events but over last year she seemed to have lost her mojo a little bit too. Seeing her come alive again running with Ralph filled me with joy and a bit of envy which I voiced to her one day. At this point she had become good friends with a couple who coach Canicross and were starting a Couch to 5K with dogs course at the beginning of 2020. Keely jokingly said she had signed me up for it and my initial reply was “fuck off I don’t do running”

Then I went home and thought about it. I needed to get my fitness levels up and if you throw a dog in the mix I’m suddenly interested. On a whim I invested in some proper running shoes and downloaded the BBC Couch to 5K app as I fancied doing the course but I needed to not be quite as pathetic as I was. Walking upstairs left me breathless.

Obviously Ralph was much to fast for me at this point and Ted, well Ted is just too big and hairy and strong so that left my little princess Miley. It was a good fit (at first) she was as out of shape and bone idle as me and so our first few ‘runs’ were really pathetic. But we kept on going out there 3 times a week and building up from walking a bit and running a bit to eventually graduating and doing 5K park runs.

Now there is a whole blog charting the ups and downs of our journey together but lets just say Miley was quickly renamed the Golden Anchor as she doesn’t like running on a lead and at the park runs she had to and so I had to drag her round the whole course. To be fair she probably improved my fitness. A bit like those squaddies pulling boulders behind them. I did always say we started the challenge together and we were damn well finishing it together. To be honest it fair nearly finished the pair of us but we did it and it was then that I suddenly realised I had caught the running bug, something I have sneered at for decades! I have more active wear than normal clothes now and am a total running bore and talk about pace, splits and pb’s etc but I’m bloody loving it.

I have actually sacked Miley now though as she was never going to be a Canicross lover. I now share Ralph with Keely, he is fit enough for both of us and Keely has recently adopted a new pup who she will train up to Canicross when he gets to 12 months. I still run Miley but just off lead on the Chase,

Running with Ralph is a whole new ball game though, talk about one extreme to the other, the first time I took him I felt like I was on a treadmill at full speed. I was both horrified and amused at the same time and I lost complete control of myself and wet my pants, that was fairly embarrassing on the walk home. I’ve found my pace with him now though and he is making me work hard and go much faster but it’ all good.

So that kind of brings us up to date. I will be celebrating my 5th year of sobriety in January and now I’ve got my health back under control I’m looking forward to literally sprinting into the new year.

My friendship group continues to change and evolve along with my lifestyle.

At first I found this really upsetting but now I just roll with the punches and realise more and more that it’s not me or them it’s just life. My constants of course remain my boys Sam (who has just brought the house next door to me), Joey who is now a strict vegan with his lovely girlfriend Beth and of course my ever wonderful husband Nick who I love more than ever. His music career is coming on in leaps and bounds and I’m so proud of him (even if I hardly ever see him these days).

Oh before we go… I’ve talked about Miley and Ralph but not talked about our lovable giant Ted. He continues to have allergy problems and it costs us more to keep him than the rest of the family put together.

Sadly his ear issues continue to plague him and so in the new year we have made the decision to have surgery to remove his ear canal so the dreaded super bug can no longer thrive in his giant lugs. Poor boy but it will be for the best in the long term as these infections are taking him down every few months now.

Anyway that pretty much sums up my life over the last 12 months so I’ll sign off by wishing each and every one of you the very happiest of New Years. May all your dreams come true.


Helen xx

Canicross….Couch to 5K

I hate running. I mean really hate it… my war cry is ‘if you see me running something is chasing me’

Over the years I’ve wanted to do it, everyone else seems to enjoy it. I’ve tired, it hurts, it bores me and I’m a lazy cow by nature.

Recently a fairly new running sport has caught my attention called Canicross which is basically cross country running with dogs. The buzz word here is dogs…if dogs are involved I’m in.

My friend Keely has been taking my Labrador Ralph out and seeing the pleasure they both get from it has got me interested and so I’m going to try and complete the couch to 5K beginners course with my Golden Retriever Miley. At this stage I should point out that Miley is as lazy, out of condition and stubborn as me so this might be a disaster waiting to happen.

I thought it would be fun to blog my journey good and bad and just dive in..


Until I join the official Canicross couch to 5K course I thought I would try and get ahead of the game so I’ve downloaded the BBC Couch to 5K app on my phone. The idea is you build your stamina by walking for 90 seconds and then running for 60 seconds with a 5 min warm up and cool down walk.

I decided to just go to the local park for our first session as it is familiar, flat and not far to limp home. I was never expecting great things from either Miley or myself but the warm up walk went well and the first couple of 60 second runs (well slow jogs) weren’t too bad either. Then Miley decided she had had enough and just stopped dead, refusing to move until I had shouted “where’s that pussy cat?” About 50 times. The next 15 minutes was literally me dragging a bored, slightly overweight retriever up and down a large field and sweating like a fat bird in a cake shop.

However we did finish the session and I’m quite surprised that I wasn’t as bad as I thought I was. Miley was just as bad as I expected her to be. Next time I’m taking her somewhere she doesn’t know because frankly I think she just got bored of walking and running up and down the same field for half an hour. The first week you do every other day and so we shall go for round two on Saturday. At least my new trail running shoes are awesome. I’ll be back….

Literally deciding she wasn’t going to walk another step!


Morning campers! From now on I shall be referring to our training as ‘runs’ not days as at the moment we do a day and miss a day.

Right, so lets jump right in with today’s adventures of Miley and Helen’s couch to 5K Canicross Challenge.

I decided after Miley’s reluctance to go the distance last time I would change locations for our second outing as to be fair to her, running up and down a field is pretty boring. That being said we decided to stay local and go to what is affectionately called ‘The Bunny Fields or Rabbit Hill) which is still just the warm up walk away and is far more interesting.

She was immediately more perky and we started off at a good pace with her running off in front like a real canicross dog should! She did slow down towards the second half of the session but it wasn’t the embarrassing drag it had been previously. I too enjoyed it more than I thought I would and surprised myself by actually noticing a slight improvement from my last attempt.

The only really problems was that as the bunny fields are local to me I do tend to know a lot of the dog walkers and so there was a bit of stopping and marching on the spot as we greeted fellow dogs and their people. Also as a reward at the end of the session I gave Miley some off lead time and she promptly rolled in a load of fox shit and then refused to come back when called. She’s a caution that dog is and she now stinks like a barnyard. Having said that she did do much better and I couldn’t love her more… the little Diva.

Rest day tomorrow and then we shall see how we go on Monday for our 3rd session.


Before we get into todays ‘running’ I still can’t actually say I run… more of a sort of falling forwards quickly, I thought I’d give you a bit of a back story to how I got so out of shape and why I am fighting back.

Last year after a fairly stressful time with various things I suddenly began to fell tired. Not just a bit tired, walking through treacle tired. All I could manage to do was work and sleep. It was getting worse and worse but I kept blaming it on stress, active work (dog grooming) and getting older (menopause). Finally after months of this chronic fatigue I could stand it no longer and I went to my local GP who ran a barrage of blood tests. I thought he was going to tell me I was low in iron or B12 or something or at worst had I thyroid problem so I was absolutely horrified when he telephoned me to tell me my Liver Function results were off the scale and I should seek advice from a private liver specialist as quickly as possible. What followed has been a year of waiting, misdiagnosis and finally treatment. I’m not totally in the clear but my bloods are back to normal and the chronic tiredness is leaving the building… thank fuck!

Clearly after having literally being asleep for almost 12 months I had not only gained two stone in weight but also was so out of condition walking upstairs left me breathless. If you had told me this time last year I would be out walking let alone running I would have laughed you out the building (if I’d had the energy). So here we are today and after starting a few weeks ago at Slimming World and already being 10lbs down I decided to address the fitness side of things. See original post.

Right, now we are up to date, time for a brief run down (pardon the pun) of todays session.

In the mornings I work for my family business in Milford, directly opposite Milford Common / Cannock Chase. I thought it would be the perfect place to keep Miley interested for 30 minutes and so I took her down to the office with me so we could run after my early morning shift. Can I just add that over the last week or so I have been buying running items including proper trainers, jackets, etc. I looked in the mirror and the phrase ‘all the gear but no idea’ popped into my head!! Having said that having the correct clothing does help massively especially on crisp muddy slide runs on the chase.

We had to navigate a few hills today and there may or may not have been some ‘leakage’ problems… bloody pelvic floor.. I’m like a bloody bottle of Sarsons vinegar I am… at this point lets just all take a moment to thank Tenalady for it’s service to older women. TMI? Soz

So anyway we completed our 30 minutes without me having to drag Miley once and now we have completed WEEK ONE on my couch to 5K app. Not sure what is going to change on our next run but of course I will be back to let you know. For now I will leave you with a picture of my beautiful Miley running in our beautiful location.


Hello anybody who is still with us on this journey and thanks for hanging in there. This morning my friend Keely who started me on this road came with us as a warm up before meeting her running / Canicross friend for a 6 mile ‘real’ run!

Keely borrows my chocolate Labrador Ralph and so he came down to the office with us this morning too so we could meet up at Milford common which is my starting point.

As you can see from the picture Ralph has to wear a muzzle. He doesn’t bite but can occasionally be reactive towards other dogs which is a total no no during Canicross running events. For this reason we have got him used to wearing a lightweight muzzle which he can pant, drink and eat wearing. It looks scary but we can’t have him being banned from eventing for having a swipe at a passing dogs backside!

So on to my fourth run out with Miley.

She was very excited to have Keely and Ralph out with us today and so was running out in front of me the whole way. As we are in week 2 of the couch to 5K programme the run walk game has changed again. We still do the 5 minute warm up walk but now instead of 60 second runs and 90 second walks we do 90 seconds runs followed by 2 minute walks and then a 5 minute cool down walk.

Now you wouldn’t think an extra 30 second run time would make much difference but try telling that to my legs… phew I felt the difference today. At least I didn’t have to drag Miley and she helped a bit during the first part of the session by pulling me which is actually supposed to be the whole point. She is definitely enjoying it more now though and has begun to understand why she is tethered to me and has stopped looking so confused.

Watching Keely and Ralph trying to hold back so we could keep up made me realise how far we have to go before being any where near enough to join a proper Canicross run, but we are still going for it and enjoying the beautiful sights of Cannock Chase along the way.

Keely had to run ‘literally’ during our cool down walk to go and meet her friend so Miley and I went and mooched around a bit and visited my Grandads memorial bench which has been there nearly 50 years now. She also saw her first squirrel which I think actually made her day!

Our next session is scheduled for Friday but as I’m working in the office early and then grooming I think we may have to just do a later park run next time. In other exciting news though Ralph has got his first official Canicross running events on Saturday and Sunday so I’m really excited to go and see how the pro’s do it. I’ll be sure to take some pictures to show you on the blog. All in all things are staying positive and I’ll see if it has any bearing on my fat arse when I go and weigh in at fat club tomorrow morning…fingers crossed! TTFN xx



Well I wished I could show you the video of the joke of a ‘run’ Miley and I did today.

In theory we weren’t supposed to be doing our next session until tomorrow (Friday) but I work all day at both the office and grooming and I decided I would probably be too knackered to run afterward. Given it was such a nice day I though we would stay local and go back to the bunny fields again.

Big mistake, Miley showed zero interest whatsoever and the only time I got more than even a trot out of her was when she spotted a squirrel in the woody bit. Aside from that it was back to literally dragging her around the course for 30 minutes nearly putting my back out in the process. I was actually leaning backwards on the waist belt. While she had her feet planted firmly on the ground refusing to move. At one stage she actually pulled herself backwards out of her harness and look so bloody pleased with herself I forgot to be annoyed for a nano second.

Anyway we did manage to complete the session mainly with me running on the spot during the runny bits and dragging her during the walky bits.

I literally limped home exhausted and feeling quite defeated… I fear Miley is just too stubborn to ever get this canicross thing. (We still aren’t talking). I’ll keep going but I’m going to have to avoid the local circuits and keep changing things up.

Anyway got a couple of days to recover now so I’ll see how things go on run/drag 6.

Until then I will leave you with the picture of her smug mug after she pulled her harness off. Little bitch!


Now I’m not going to lie the last disastrous run kind of put me off this whole Canicross business and I didn’t got again over the weekend. Having said that I did attend my first official Canicross event to watch my BFF Keely run my lab Ralph in their first ‘proper’ race. They did so well and it was such an awesome experience it lifted me up again and made me want to carry on.

Here are a couple of shots of the CaniX run at Marquis Drive, it needs a blog of it’s own but the noise itself was quite something on its own!

Anyhoo back to run 6.

Keely’s friend Rachel is a seasoned Canicross runner and is also qualified to coach beginners and so she said she would come for a run with Miley and myself to see where we were at. Actually it turned into a bit of a party as Keely came along too to run with Ralph and also brought her terriers along to run with the pack.

We went straight from my workplace in Milford and I’ll admit to being a bit worried as these girls warm up walks are faster than my bloody sprints… but I got the gear on and decided to give it my best shot.

First I hit the wrong button on my couch to 5K app and skipped a week which meant I was running for 3 minutes and walking for two which was quite a step up but as it happened it worked out quite well despite feeling the burn. Miley absolutely loved running as part of a pack and was out in front of me the whole way. Rachel and Keely were so encouraging and kind that I really enjoyed it.

As an aside on our cool down walk on the way back, Keely realised that she had dropped her car keys and so we had to go back round to find them!

We couldn’t find them until, defeated we eventually made our way back to the cars only to find a lovely gentleman patiently waiting on a bench holding the keys aloft. Thank you that man! Also we got a bit of a longer workout.

So all in all a good session although I still fear Miley will never be a very enthusiastic Canicross dog. BUT, I started this couch to 5K with her and she is damn well finishing it with me whether she likes it or not!

Until next time I’ll leave you with some more photographs.


Sorry about the late update on this one, it’s been a busy week.

As Miley had been much better on the chase I thought I would take her around the same course and me and the girls had done the last time. Whilst there wasn’t any enthusiasm on her part she did at least keep moving forward albeit slowly and not always in front.

At this point in our journey it has become a bit of a battle of wills. I know for a fact that Miley will never be a Canicross lover BUT we started this couch to 5K thing together and we are damn well finishing it together even if it kills me. I’m contemplating getting a cattle prod to keep her moving… joking obviously but honestly it’s like pulling a reluctant mule around.

From my point of view though I am beginning to feel myself improve. Although I really didn’t fancy the run, about half way through the endorphins finally kicked in and I looked around at our beautiful surroundings and just felt glad to be alive and healthy again.

Although the running sections of the course are getting longer now I quite like it as it proves to me that I can keep going longer than I thought. Having my virtual coach Sarah chatting to me along the way really helps too. To be honest a reluctant Miley is quite good for me as I feel like her personal trainer, cheering her on every step of the way.

I do need to learn to look where I am going a bit more though as there are some muddy, rocky and uneven bits throughout our chosen course and I did go over on my ankle at one point. It was nothing serious but did make me thank goodness for mobile phones as if I did fall and break something Miley wouldn’t go for help, she’d just eat me.

On that note I shall leave you until our next run (which is supposed to be today but it’s pissing it down #fairweatherrunner) TTFN


Hi folks, we were a bit late with our last run again. We should technically have done one on Saturday but Stafford had one of the highest rainfalls in many years, flooding half the town. Suffice to say I thought I’d give it a miss. Nick and I were also going out with friends later in the evening and I didn’t want to be tired as I do feel it for the rest of the day when we do a run as I’m still trying to get my energy back after my illness.

That being said we woke up on Sunday morning to the most glorious day. My bestie Keely was taking Ralph out for an 8 mile run over the chase as they are literally coming on in leaps and bounds… Ralph is beginning to look like a racehorse at this stage and is so shiny, healthy and happy it’s a joy to see. Anyway, Nick and I decided to take Miley and Ted to our local cafe / bar, (Bod) for breakfast and I got myself in my running gear so Miley and I could go off for a run after we had eaten and chilled for a bit. I was very good, staying on my Slimming World plan and just having some poached eggs, mushrooms and a bit of bacon.

After ditching the idea of going on the chase due to the water logging I decided to do my run straight from the Bod and Nick said he would come along with Ted as I was going down to have a look at the flooding by Baswich bridges and then along the canal tow path and back through the bunny fields.

Miley and I are running for longer periods now so Nick said for us to just go on ahead as he just wanted to walk with Ted (who is a very large Newfoundland for those of you who might not know). However Ted was having non of it and dragged Nick along for the ride. Nick is a big guy but if Ted is going somewhere you are going too, he’s as strong as a horse! Miley really surprised me by being absolutely brilliant and I surprised myself by actually being quite disappointed when we got to the cool down walk. Who knew I would start enjoying this thing. Miley’s fitness levels have increased so much too and when I let her have a free run after we had finished she was racing around like a puppy on acid.

Giving her too much rope though did mean she did hang herself by rolling in what was obviously a very fresh and very large fox shit. The smell was horrendous. Usually I can just spot clean her but this time I had to take her over to the grooming shop to bath her properly. Ugghhh I couldn’t get that smell out our my nostrils for the rest of the day. Anyway she may have hated the bath but she looks and smells like the princess she is again now.

I’m working all day on Tuesday and Wednesday and so our next run will not be until Thursday now. We are however upping the running times again, so I’ll see how that goes. I really enjoyed the route we took down the canal so I think that could become a favourite as we continue our journey.

In other news I have registered to do the Park Run at Marquis Drive at the weekend. It’s a bit of a free for all family 5K run or walk. I shall stick to my training app and then walk the rest of the way. I can also find out how 5K feels to do in one go as in a few weeks Miley and I are committed to running the whole thing! Eeeek. I’ll leave you with some photographs of the weekend jaunt. Thanks for hanging in with out journey, writing this blog keeps my head in the game. TTFN


The Halloween Run

Hi lovely followers of our couch to 5K journey, we are now into week 4 of our challenge and shit is starting to get real.

Week 4 is a bit of a game changer as we are now running more than we are walking. We still start with the 5 minute warm up but now the runs are 5 minutes each with 90 second and two minute walk intervals.

I took the same route as our last run as it is local and Miley and I both enjoyed running by the canal last time. We started off strong with Miley ahead of me but about half way though she wanted to sniff everything and contemplate diving in the water. Thankfully she didn’t as being tied to her would have meant we both ended up with a stinky canal bath.

The canal tow path is nice and flat so I did feel a bit ‘cheaty’ on the run sections that is until we came to the last 5 minute run which took us under the railway tunnel and up to Rabbit Hill. The incline is so steep I actually thought I might expire with the effort of keeping going. By this stage I was dragging Miley again and for about the millionth time wished she was like Ralph and would pull me up hills. Oh well maybe one day (as if).

However finish we did and apart from sore thighs and knees I feel pretty good about how things are going. We are due to take part in our first 5K Park run in the morning.

What I intend to do is stick with the Couch to 5K app and then walk the rest of the way when we are finished as I want to stay with the scheduled training programme. As I’ve mentioned before it will give me an idea of both how it feels to do 5K in one go and to see how Miley reacts to lots of other people and dogs.

I’m not sure I am looking forward to it as such but I will of course be back with an update of the good, the bad and the ugly. Until then TTFN

RUN 10


Well above is a picture of Miley and I getting ready for our first ever 5K park run at Marquis Drive on Cannock Chase. This is a race for all ages, abilities with or without pets, well a general free for all really. It is an organised event though so I was a little nervous but feeling determined.

Keely came to pick up Ralph and we popped Miley and Ted in our car – my husband Nick came along with big Ted to offer his support bless him. The weather was appalling and by the time the 9am start came round it was literally pissing it down. Still I don’t want to be accused of being a fair weather runner so off we went. Keely and Rachel started at the front of the running pack and Nick and I opted to start at the back (which is where I stayed until the bitter end!). There were small children and one legged old men going faster than me but I was there and I was actually doing it!

As planned I stuck to my couch to 5k app training and walked the course after that. It was tempting to run more but I don’t want to do too much and hurt myself and not want to complete the challenge. I did manage a little spurt at the end though just to show willing! Ted and Nick tapped out at about 2k as Ted was getting very hot trying to keep up. They did wait for us and finished alongside us which was lovely.

Miley did really well and I’m so proud of how her stamina is improving. By the end of week 8 I hope to be running the full 5K but until then I’ll just keep plodding on with my training sessions.

To say I enjoyed it might be a bit of an overstatement BUT I do feel very proud of myself for actually getting off my fat arse and giving it a go. It proves to me that my body and soul are healing. It was actually a year ago today that I was diagnosed with liver disease and after an exhausting period of ups and downs I never thought I could come this far.

A huge thank you to Keely for encouraging me every step of the way and for my ever patient husband for always being my biggest supporter. I couldn’t do any of this without them.

On that soppy note I will leave you until next time when hopefully this damn rain will have stopped.

Week 5

Runs 11 & 12

Hi my lovely followers… if anybody is still hanging in there with us.

I thought I’d treat you to a two for the price of one today as I didn’t manage to get round to blogging run 11 last week.

Run 11 was still technically week 4 and so the running / walking intervals were much the same. It was a soggy, cold day but Miley and I dug deep and got out there, we changed our route a little bit which meant running up a fairly long, steep incline and I thought at one point my thighs were going to explode. I normally try and run in some sort of loupe but when the half way timer pinged I turned round and the run down again and it was so much easier. That is until we decided to run down the cutting and found a tree had gone down. Miley and I had to scramble through it like some sort of assault course getting scratched and covered in mud in the process…such fun!

Also during that run I got a bit creeped out by a shady looking chap on his own and for the first time I felt a bit vulnerable. Obviously Golden Retrievers aren’t well known for their protective instincts so armed only with a soft dog and a can of compressed air I was glad when we were back in the car.

It’s such a shame that women have to feel this way when all we want to do is run or walk and enjoy the solitude of the countryside. I’m pretty sure that man was no threat whatsoever, but it did spoil my run a tad. I’ve actually brought myself a very loud little rape alarm now which I hang on my running belt. I’m not sure I would have the energy to run away but it would startle a would be weirdo.

Anyway on to run 12

I was so proud of Miley today as we did our first week five run. We have now upped our running times to run 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes intervals with a warm up and cool down session. I planned my run to make sure we were on fairly even ground today as I knew running those extra few minutes would be tough. To be honest I was a bit worried we would manage at all after our struggle on the last outing.

What a difference today, Miley proudly ran out in front of me from the get go and honestly although the runs were longer than normal we both coped really well and I can actually say I really enjoyed it.. I was even laughing as we were splashing through the numerous muddy puddles. Maybe Miley and I will make the Canicross team yet!

When we got back to the car, there were a group of pensioners all gathering for their weekly 5k hike and one of the ladies that was there was one of my mums best friends so I stopped for a chat while they were waiting for the rest of the group to lace up their boots. (You know how people of a certain age still have ‘driving shoes’?) Anyway finally they were ready for the off so I quietly said my goodbyes to my friend and headed towards my car. The man who organises these walks was obviously some sort of Sargent Major in a previous life and barked at me ” and where do you think you are going young lady?” He actually thought I was there for the hike and I was so taken back I nearly went with them!

Anyway I explained I had already done my stint and needed a brew and a bath and so he let me off but it did make me snigger a bit on the way home. Next run will be the park run again on Saturday and so I am hoping for better weather and a better pace. Being last and soaking really did suck big time. Until then TTFN xx

RUN 13

Gosh time is flying even if we aren’t.

For our latest run we decided to complete the Cannock Chase Park Run again, as this is what I’m aiming to be able to run all the way by the end of week 9. OMG!

The weather forecast was for torrential rain as it was last week, but I was prepared to do the run whatever happened so I was pleasantly surprised when we woke up to crispy clear Autumn sky’s.

It was bloody freezing but I’ll take that over rain any day. I layered up and also got to wear my new hat, which I was more happy about than I care to admit, I love it, as it’s waterproof and will be perfect for sunny or rainy conditions (Sealskinz make if you are interested)

The turnout at Marquis Drive was probably double what it had been on the rainy Saturday before and the atmosphere was buzzing and upbeat. Although my friend Keely who runs Ralph couldn’t come due to work commitments my husband Nick came along with our Newfoundland Ted again (which I’ll come back to)

We were also joined by our lovely Canicross experts Rachel and Alan and also ‘Team Darby’ who are great friends of ours and always put a positive spin on any situation. It was lovely to have friendly faces there, and although they complete the course in half the time it takes me (snail with arthritis) they always wait to cheer us in at the end. This really helps and inspires me to sprint to the finish line.

Nick, Ted, Miley and I started at the back again as I am still sticking to my couch to 5K app and it starts just with a 5 minute warm up and I don’t want us to get in anybody’s way. Of course this does mean the bulk of the park runners have disappeared out of sight by the time I actually start running but to be honest I’d rather not let other folk watch my feeble efforts just yet. Having said that everybody including the marshalls are so encouraging to the newbies it’s a real boost.

Last week big Ted got a bit over excited about the whole thing and wore himself out in the fist 2k and so he and Nick dropped out and joined us near the end. However this week he seemed to just ‘get it’ and so they stayed with us the whole way round and Ted absolutely loved it, as did Miley to have part of her pack running with us. The only problem this threw up was Ted likes to poo a lot…we actually call him Teddy two shits so there was hold ups while large Newfoundland poop was scooped. Also Nick decided he could hold his bladder no longer and went for a piss in a bush further hampering our progress. Having said this it was fantastic having company on our way round and I think Nick enjoyed it so much he is now on the hunt for some better running shoes.

The couch to 5K app had us finishing around the 3k mark and so for the last part of the course we just walked briskly. I was actually 39 seconds faster (woopie) than last week but it’s not about pace yet just stamina and I did find it easier this week. That being said I was still happy to see the finish line looming.

Miley is doing so well and has really taken to the whole concept of canicross now, so much so that I have decided to invest in some more professional gear including a new harness for her and a better waist belt for me. She wore Ralph’s pro one this week and it really did make a difference so I think it’s worth the investment. I wouldn’t let Ted run at speed or any further than 5K but I think if we work him up slowly he will be able to run the course easily as long as the weather isn’t too warm.

My next run will be stepping up to running without a break for 20 minutes so we shall see how that pans out! I have to say I’m not really looking forward to it and am already trying to plan the flattest route I can for it. Strangely enough though in week 6 we go back to intervals again. I don’t really get it but I’m now on a couch to 5k group on Facebook and have been told to just ‘trust the programme’.

Until next time then I’ll leave you with a shot of Team Overmire looking rather smug.

RUN 14


Today was a run I’ve been dreading as it required us to run a full 20 minutes without any walking breaks as we’ve done in the past. I chose my route carefully as I didn’t want to be going up any nasty hills or inclines. The canal is always a safe bet as obviously it is nice and flat.

We started off well with our warm up walk across Yelverton Park.

It was a cold morning but after 5 minutes of brisk walking we were ready to go for it. The first part of the run took us round the estate and the down to Baswich lane where we joined the canal tow path. By the time we hit the canal we had already done 10 of the 20 minutes so I was feeling pretty good but then two things happened which nearly ruined everything.

The first was that Miley decided that she just wasn’t feeling it this morning and would much rather sniff in bushes, and so we were back to me pulling her along behind me like a rusty anchor calling her every name under the sun and cursing loudly whilst getting disapproving looks off some passing walkers. I may have called her a word beginning with C but I don’t want to discuss it.

The second more pressing problem was that my bowels suddenly decided they needed to be evacuated really rather quickly… I’ve heard of runners trots before but this is the first time I have experienced it. There was no way I was stopping though, so I ran on, buttocks clenched tightly trying to think of anything but the contractions that kept on coming. Finally we came to the end of the run and I could finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

Still walking like a mincing queen we then happened upon the dog walking group who wanted to stop and chat. I was practically touching cloth at this point so I made hurried excuses about needing to get ready for a funeral and made it home just in the nick of time. OMG I was literally sweating… sorry if this is all too much information but honestly I couldn’t believe it and it will ensure I never forget my first 20 minute run!

I am incredibly happy to have completed this stage of the run and now we are moving into week 6 where we go back to interval training again for a few runs before the big 5K attempt and 30 minutes of non stop running.

So it’s goodbye to week 5 as we head into the last 3 weeks of the programme. I’ll try and put to poonami incident behind (pardon the pun) me. And crack (sorry pun again) on. TTFN

RUN 15


As we move into week 6 the weather has been appalling. I was going to miss this run as it was freezing cold and it was pouring down with icy rain which makes you feel like you are being slapped repeatedly around the face. But I’m nothing if not a trooper and given that I had just spent a rather large sum of money on some professional Canicross gear, including a new running belt, harness and lead for Miley I decided to put on my big girl pants (along with my new running belt) and get out into the elements.

My one concession to going out in such bleak conditions was that I would stay fairly local. Oh why oh why do I never learn. About 15 minutes into our session Miley did her famous stop dead trick and then promptly pulled herself out of the harness. I was cold, wet, tired and frankly pissed off so as we were near the fields I decided to just carry on running alone up the bunny fields carrying the harness while Miley happily trotted in front of me. I wanted to scalp the furry little fiend. I have to say it was actually easier to run without her and the whole point of Canicross is that the dog is supposed to help pull you along. For the love of God …. gahhhhhh!!

Swearing like a sailor we finally completed the session and then stomped / limped home feeling both deflated and more than just a little hacked off. If I’m honest I was ready to throw the towel in at this point but tomorrow is another day and I am determined that fluffy princess is completing this couch to 5k with me.

RUN 16


After the horrors of our last run I decided to repeat week 6 run 2. Not only as because of all the shinanigans from our last outing, but my husband was joining us at the park run with our big Newfoundland Ted again and so I felt he needed the intervals to rest a bit as he isn’t the fittest (or sharpest) tool in the box. – Ted that is, not my husband…although…

Anyhooo, the morning of the park run dawned and all I could hear through the darkened windows was the hammering of the rain outside. Tempting to hit the snooze and have a lie in but my friend takes our Labrador Ralph so I needed to get him ready anyway. Also Miley and Ted love the park runs too so off we went.

As luck would have it the rain had stopped by the time we reached the start line and there was a good turnout as always. I love the atmosphere of the park runs, such camaraderie amongst the runner from young to old and everyone in between.

Ted got a bit overexcited at the start line and there was a bit of argy bargy with a Springer Spaniel but fortunately crisis averted off we went.

We had completed the warm up on the walk to the start line and so we were able to start the run properly with everyone. It felt good not to be walking at the back and even overtaking people. The app was for two ten minute runs with a 3 minute walk interval in between. I was really pleasantly surprised by how easy I found the running sections, a few weeks ago I could barely breathe after 60 seconds. We had finished the app training at about the 3k mark and so we decided to walk for the next kilometer and then run the last to the finish.

My friend Keely who had run her own personal best time ran back with Ralph to run with us to the finish. I think I peaked a bit soon but I did manage to cross the finish line puffing and panting with Nick following with Ted who managed to knock down all the cones and finishing tape! All the marshalls love Teddy though so he was forgiven immediately. As Nick was gettinng his barcode scanned Ted just decided to lie down, he was done, the big idle bugger!

All in all though I was really happy with how it went and I am confident that in another few weeks we will be able to run all the way round, even if our pace is slow. Even Miley behaved herself and so we are friends again now.

In terms of the app, all the interval training is over now and from here on I’ll just be increasing the running times for the last few weeks. For now I’ll leave you with a few pictures of our weekend. Also including out stats for our very first park run compared to this weeks. TTFN xx

Run 17


My mum is turning 80 years old this weekend so as a treat the ladies of the family booked a relaxing spa overnight stay at the Stunning Hoar Cross Hall in Staffordshire.

I really wanted to finish week 6 but wasn’t sure I’d be wanting to run instead of bobbing about in jacuzzis and the like, but I packed my running gear regardless as you never know do you.

On the morning of the second day I woke up quite early and as we hadn’t arranged to meet the rest of our party for breakfast until 9.00am I decided to go and get week 6 run 3 over and done with, so I could start week 7 with the Park Run on Saturday.

The grounds of Hoar Cross hall are simply beautiful and although this was to be my longest non stop run (25 minutes) I couldn’t have chosen a better location to do it. There is a trail set out through the woods which has a nice even surface and the autumnal colours were so beautiful it was a pleasure to be out and about.

It was strange running without my pretty, stubborn, furry friend Miley but I chatted away as if she was still with me. I do hope nobody heard me!

To be fair at no point did I feel like I needed to stop and whilst it was my biggest challenge yet I found it very doable and I didn’t feel like stopping once.

I will admit that my pace is akin to a tortoise with rickets but, hey I’ll work on that later. I spent to cool down walk just mooching (briskly) around the gardens and although we were missing the sun it was stunning and I was so glad I had made the effort to pack my kit.

According to Sarah on my app I am officially a runner now – go me!

As I mentioned earlier I move into week 7 with my 4th park run and I’m keen to improve my time now I am no longer doing intervals. I shall of course be back to let you know. Until then I’ll leave you with a Hoar Cross selfie! TTFN

Week 7

Runs 18, 19 & 20

Hi folks thought I would lump this weeks runs together as they have all been the same running time of 25 minutes non stop (who knew I could ever do that??) and we have pretty much taken the same route too.

Weather wise it has been a foul week with rain, mud, more mud, rain a bit of extra mud and some fox shit thrown in for good measure. (I’ll come back to that)

Anyhoo, I keep on showing up for the runs and while I can’t say it’s been the easiest of weeks I am so gobsmacked that I can actually run for 25 minutes cross country without stopping I can barely comprehend!

One of the things I learned on my trip to Hoar Cross is that running without dragging a reluctant Golden Retriever behind you is not only easier but infinitely more enjoyable and for this reason I have decided to let Miley run free from now on. Let’s face it the stubborn cow is never going to enjoy canicross as a sport and so unless we are doing the park run I am letting her live her best life. To be honest I wish I had done it sooner as she is absolutely loving every minute of it now and is doing about 5K to every one of mine… you see, she’s not idle she just doesn’t like being tied down (a bit like my son really).

Unfortunately one of the downsides of her running to her own tune is that she can disappear and get into all sorts of messes as you will see from the following pictures. When she first came back looking like a bog monster it was funny, until I realised that most of it was fox shit and the stench in the car almost made me pass out. The filthy tart.

Look how happy she is!

I did get the last laugh in the end when I took her to the grooming shop for a bath in fox poo shampoo…yes it is a thing. She hates having a bath and I normally let the mud dry off a bit and brush it out with dry shampoo, but that fox poo needed industrial strength cleansers and scrubbing.

I can’t quite believe I am now moving into week 8 of this 9 week programme. It’s called couch to 5K but the aim really is to get you running for 30 minutes without stopping. My pace is still woefully slow so once I ‘graduate’ from the course I will work on speeding things up a bit. I’m hoping to start week 8 with the Park run as that is a nice flat route and I can see how far I get in the 28 minutes. I only managed 3k in the 25 minutes today so I still have a way to go.

I think once I do finish the course and feel a bit more confident I will try Canicross again but use my racehorse of a Labrador Ralph. Keeping up with him will be hard but it will be nice to be pulled up a hill rather than dragging a dead weight up one. But that is for another day.

For now this is how we ended week 7. You gotta laugh I suppose….. TTFN xx


Runs 1, 2 & 3 (also bonus run with a dickhead)

Week 8 consists of running 28 minutes without a break and I decided the weekly Park Run was the best place to do run 1.

We know the route, it’s fairly flat and there is lots of support and encouragement from everyone. It was a very cold wintery day which was a little slippy at first but I’ll take that over rain any day. I use the walk to the start line as my 5 minute warm up and so we were able to start off at a jog with the rest of the group…obviously still at the back.

Once again I was joined by two of the big fella’s in my life, my husband Nick and our Newfoundland Ted. Ted is currently battling with yet another ear infection but he loves it so much we decided to take him up anyway and see how he felt. He took off like a rocket dragging my unsuspecting hubby behind him. We did manage to settle him down though and whilst he was quite tired he did complete the run with us.

I managed to improve my time slightly since the last park run but my pace is still very slow and getting to the 5k in 30 minutes is going to take a lot longer than 9 weeks I fear. Still I’m getting out there and getting better bit by bit and as they always say, we are still lapping all the other buggers sitting on the couch!


Another cold and frosty run on Cannock Chase for run 2 of week 8.

I’ve started letting Miley run free at this stage as we both enjoy it so much more. It was so stunning out there that as a photographer I couldn’t help but keep stopping to take pictures along the way. The low lying winter sun streaming through the icy mist and golden trees was intoxicating and I barely noticed I was running as I took in the beauty before me.

Fortunately there were no fox poo incidents on this run as everything was frozen… she did have a bit of a try at some horse poo ice cream though, filthy bitch!

The route I take is truly beautiful but the run back is a slight incline which is a bit of a trial and by the end of the 28 minutes I was glad to finish. We did improve our pace slightly though which I was pleased about and it was a very enjoyable run.


The celebration run!

I mentioned previously in my journey that I am still recovering from a chronic liver disease that had me asleep for nearly a year. Finally after a course of successful treatment I am fighting my way back to fitness.

On Wednesday of this week it was another trip to Wolverhampton to find out my latest blood results. I’m not sure I’ve ever been so relieved in my life when I finally got the verdict I had been longing to hear. Everything is back to normal , I am mended and I can just go and get on with my life! One thing this whole journey has taught me is to never take my health or the NHS for that matter for granted again. At one stage during my diagnosis and treatment it was thought I had an autoimmune disease which would have meant steroid and immune suppression treatment for the rest of my life. The relief of not having to walk that difficult path is difficult to articulate, but my joy is palpable.

My hospital appointment was first thing and I was so full of happiness all I wanted to to was run with my dog, grinning all the way like some demented Cheshire Cat. Which is exactly what I did.

We took the canal toe path route again and I did my fasted ever 1km, sadly Miley decided to idle in front of me for the most of the run once she was off lead and so the pace slackened off a big. Still I did do my longest run to date with my fastest pace so I’m pleased with that. Again I plan to start week 9 (the final week) with the Saturday Park Run.

Here are a few pics from my celebration run!

Bonus Run

Attempt one at proper Canicross with Ralph.

I’ve mentioned before that I got into this whole running malarkey via my friend Keely who asked if she could borrow our labrador Ralph to start Canicross which is basically event cross country running with dogs. Keely is a very seasoned runner and needed a dog who could match her fitness levels (she only has small, elderly terriers). They have done absolutely brilliantly and Ralph is now like a racehorse with them running miles together.

Well today, in my wisdom I though I’d like to have a try with a ‘real’ canicross dog who would actually pull me, unlike stubborn Miley who I have to drag around. He had just got back from a 6 mile run and was suitably knackered enough for me to attempt a short run with him.


I felt like I was on a treadmill which had got stuck on top speed, I looked like the Roadrunner cartoon! This promptly made me laugh both nervously and uncontrollably thus making me lose all control of my bladder which only served to make me laugh even harder!

Whilst I did enjoy being dragged up a hill I think it will be a while before I try a Ralph Run again!

My next run will be back with my trusty Golden anchor Miley to start the beginning of the end.

Week 9 run one. I can’t believe I only have three runs left before I graduate the Couch to 5K app, I never believed I would actually still be hanging in this far down the line. I think I will just keep repeating week 9 though as although it says Couch to 5K what it actually does is take you from couch to running for 30 minutes non stop. It’s up to me to get my pace up to run the distance in that time after that…I could be a white yet TTFN xx


WEEK 9 – RUN 1

As this is our final week I thought I would go back to breaking down the runs again instead of lumping them together in weeks. I can’t quite believe we are nearly at the end of our challenge. Some runs have been a real challenge, but we have kept on turning up and here we are in the last week, running for 30 minutes without stopping!

It seemed that the park run was a good place to start our final week and I plan to finish our Couch to 5K there also. Although Ted and Nick did come along with us they decided not to run this week as Ted got a little over tired last time and is still shaking off an ear infection. That being said Miley and I set off on our 5th Park Run at Marquis Drive. I can’t believe I’m not the newbie anymore and we got off at a good pace.

I always have my Strava app running in the background which tells me how many kilometres we have done and our pace etc. I was chuffed to hear in my headphones that we had completed the fist kilometre in just over 7 minutes which is our best ever time, I decided that I would really go for it and see if I could get our pace up a bit.

Whilst I can’t admit to being anywhere near the main pack of runners we definitely aren’t last anymore and I even overtook a few people along the way… I was thrilled!

So there we are going really well and enjoying the good weather when we happened upon Nick and Ted who by chance were just having a walk around and bumped into us by chance. We said a quick hello and carried on our way. Sadly Miley decided that she no longer wanted to be on the lead at this point (it’s not an option to let her off on the Park Runs) and go and find Ted and Nick. So as we were close to getting our best ever time she stopped dead, I mean totally dug her heels in. I was practically crying with frustration by the time I finally got her moving again. We did finish and get a personal best but we still could have shaved another 5 minutes off without her shenanigans. I have now renamed her the Golden Anchor.

I’m asking Father Christmas for a cattle prod.

All in all though I really enjoyed the run and although I like the couch to 5k in my ear in some ways I am looking forward to being a ‘free runner’.

WEEK 9 – RUN 2


So here it is the beginning of the end of this particular personal challenge. It’s had its high and low points but if you had told me a couple of months ago I would be not only running cross country but actively enjoying it I would have laughed in your face!

After getting our PB at the park run on Saturday I was keen to pick up the pace again this morning as although we are completing the 30 minutes without a problem we are still a fair way off actually 5K in distance. That being said after our 5 minute warm up walk I set off at a brisk pace only to run into a chap with two labs about 10 minutes in. One of his dogs set about poor Miley who was still on lead at this point and we had to stop for about 5 minutes while he got his unruly pooch under control. Miley was fine, she can be quite feisty when she needs to be but it did hold us up again. I know it doesn’t really matter but it’s so frustrating.

The rest of the run went well although there was a strong wind which hampered progress also. I did manage to pick my pace back up and so overall I was pretty pleased with our average pace at the sound of the 30 minute finish bell.

As we are so close to Xmas I will be pretty much working full time at the dog shop for the next two weeks and so my GRADUATION RUN will be at Marquis Drive again on Saturday.

I’m not going to stop running after graduation but I am thinking of going back and starting the couch to 5K from the beginning again with our big Ted to get his stamina and fitness up. This will be after his ear surgery though. I also want to be fast enough for the Racehorse we call Ralph… not enough tenalady’s in the world at this point in my running career!!

Until the graduation then I shall leave you with some pretty Cannock Chase pictures. TTFN

WEEK 9 – RUN 3


I can’t quite believe that I have come to the final instalment in our Couch to 5K Challenge.

I never thought a few short weeks ago that I would go from being a breathless mess from just walking upstairs to actually running 5 kilometres… nothing short of a miracle really given my past couch potatoey history.

As Christmas is nearly upon us my friend Keely has been absolutely inundated with requests for grooms. During my illness I was forced to drop a couple of days helping her as I just physically couldn’t do it without a days rest in between. Grooming is an extremely physical job when you are well but with a liver disease it was more than I could handle.

Anyway not to dwell, but Keely asked if I could cover some extra days over the festive period to help out and I was glad to be fit enough to say yes and get stuck back in.

We have worked our arses off this last week and so on the morning of my final ‘graduation run’ (the Saturday park run) my legs felt sore and weak and I was shattered.

Obviously I was not obliged to do it and could have put it off if I wanted to, but I’m as stubborn as Miley and I was determined I wanted to finish doing a full 5K before Christmas. As it happened, after a hot shower and a bit of a word with myself I was ready to go, praying Miley would try a bit harder for our final run.

As we headed to the start line I was full of grit and determination and excited to get the job done so to speak. The siren sounded and we were off. We got off to a reasonable start, doing a very acceptable time in the first kilometre but then Miley decided to put the brakes on again.

What followed was me literally dragging her around the course once more. I was itching to let her off the lead as I knew she would run beautifully untethered, but it’s not allowed and we would have been disqualified which was unthinkable at this stage.

I might as well have picked her up and carried her around that last 4K and I truly believe with the added pressure of keeping her moving forward I probably did the equivalent of 10K… oh the frustration is difficult to describe, apart from we may be having Roast Retriever for our Xmas lunch!

That being said we made it to the finish with my trusty husband and big Ted cheering us on. I was oddly emotional as I passed that finish line and despite being furious with my Golden Anchor Miley, I did always say that I started this journey with her and I was going to finish it with her even if it killed me, which at times it nearly did!

She is sacked now by the way and I will now only do free running (off lead) with her. I love the park runs but sadly she does not. Although I will do the Christmas Day run with her just to complete the year.

So that’s it, we are done folks.

Well when I say we are done, that’s it for the couch to 5K training app. It’s been clear from the get go that Miley was never going to be a Canicross dog and that’s what I really wanted to do.

In the new year I am embarking on a beginners couch to 5K Canicross course with Ralph. Keely has now adopted a new puppy called Rubble (see below) who she will be training up to be her partner once he is old enough. This means I have got six months to be fit enough to run Ralph at his current speed….yikes!

I definitely didn’t think I would actually want to carry on after this particular challenge was complete. I just thought I would grit my stubborn teeth and get through it and then get back to the job of napping on the sofa.

Who knew I would actually be one of those people who planned and looked forward to their next runs, had a draw full of professional active wear and talked about things like Strava, ‘pace’ and ‘personal bests’ (pb’s if you are really into it)?

Anyway for this particular blog I will say my goodbyes and thank each and every one of you who have followed and supported our rollercoaster ride over the weeks.

As I mentioned, I am continuing my Canicross journey with my Ralphie boy in the new year but I will start a new blog for that little adventure. For now I’ll leave you with a very bad picture of me actually in action as we did eventually get fast enough to make the ‘official’ photographs (before the photographer got too cold and buggered off.)

Happy Christmas to you all and I’ll catch up with you in the new year. TTFN xx



8Happy New Year readers. 

My annual musings appear to have become a bit of a ‘thing’ at this point and so here we are again with a round up of my year. Please feel free to bugger off and do something more interesting instead if I start to bore you at any point. 


My original title for my this blog was ‘My Annus Horriblis’,  but after jotting down a timeline of events which have  unfolded over the year,  I decided it wasn’t all bad.  Actually the  word roller coaster sums things up really rather well so off we go (slowly and without too much drama on the first uphill climb) 


I left you at the end of 2017  working in retail at our local Co-op,  the job suited me well, it had got me back out into a world I had been avoiding for years, gave me a bit of financial independence and made me feel like a real human being again.  

I really liked my little job … until I didn’t anymore.  A number of things conspired to end my relationship with the tills, which included the following, ( not necessarily in this order.. )


  1. People –My GOD so many people are rude to retail workers.  Also if I hear the phrase ‘I’ve got lots of bags in the car’ one more time I swear I will lose my shit. That and ‘if it doesn’t scan it must be free… hahahaha’. It’s not big, it’s not clever and it makes us want to kill you. 
  1. Shift patterns.  Working evenings and weekends seems ok at the beginning. When you don’t really have any social life to speak of it all seems rather jolly.  After a while though,  working every sodding Sunday becomes a crashing pain in the arse. That and watching the last shopper mooch round the shop (with a trolley) at 9.58pm at the end of an evening shift, while you are wilting like the reduced roses on the end of the isle 3 GAHHHH….. your  thoughts tend to turn murderous. Just get out already! 
  1. Life.  The truth is I just had other fish to fry at this point.  My relationship with Keely and the work at the grooming shop was going from strength to strength as was my growing dog photography business.  I had begun to help out not just with photography but as a  grooming assistant to Keels.  Bathing and drying the dogs and handing them over for her to work her magic.  It is hard work but I LOVE it.  I had also decided to get involved with my own family’s haulage business at this stage.  Clearly something had to give … so the shop job had to go.  And so endeth that chapter of my life.  PS the menopause didn’t help but lets not go there… 


The next section of my story is rather ambiguous and vague but It’s an important chapter non the less and one I feel I can’t leave out. I’m sorry but this is merely to protect the feelings and privacy of the people I hold most dear.  After some exciting news at the beginning of the year our family was hit with a tragic and devastating loss in the spring.  The feelings of grief and loss swept across our family like a tidal wave, engulfing everything in it’s path and for a while it felt that we would never smile again. While the pain is still very raw, life does have a habit of carrying on regardless and slowly, very slowly the sun is starting to break through the clouds again for my beloved family members and a rainbow can be seen in the distance.  For the people concerned, you know who you are and I love you very much. 


Moving on I’ll try and find something more positive…a list,  I had a list where is that bloody … oh here it is. 


In May Nick and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.  My lovely husband has been my unsung hero for many a year… I know people use the term ‘rock’ so much to describe their other halves and it is a bit of an overused cliché but without the grounding that man has afforded me over the years ( including the vile drinking, anxiety ridden ones), I doubt I would have weathered the storm.  To this end he is getting his own chapter this year!  Yay.. Go you Nicky lad. 


Nick is a scaffolder by trade but his true love is, and always will be music.  He has been strumming a guitar since he was old enough to pick one up. He is an incredibly talented musician and has been playing in various bands from Rock to Disco and everything in between since I met him. 


For a while now he has wanted to set in motion a plan to leave his scaffolding days behind him, it’s a young mans job and the cold winters and heavy lifting are just getting too much for the poor old bugger. 

At the beginning of the year we both took part in an online course called ‘Creating the Impossible’.  It’s  a part of the mentoring that I used to help with my anxiety issues a few years ago.  You start by making a bit of a list of ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…..’ and one of Nick’s ended with ‘be a music teacher’.   

Of course it occurred to us both that it shouldn’t be so impossible at all.   

Nick is a natural born teacher and one of the most patient men I have ever met.  That, his musical talents and seemingly universal likability make him the perfect candidate.  The only thing Nick lacked was the confidence in his own abilities.  Despite this he  has now taken on a number of students who are all loving his teaching style and I expect his business to go from strength to strength in the new year. He is also adding extra strings to bow (well guitar) by passing various musical exams to broaden his knowledge.  I couldn’t be more proud.  Oh and I can’t leave out the fact that he wrote and recorded his own awesome song based on a children’s book this year.  If you haven’t heard Monty Dogge yet do look it up on YouTube! 


One of the highlights of my year was going on a real, live, bona fide holiday for the first time in about 20 years.  Because of my chronic anxiety I was unable or unwilling to travel further than the end of my own (smaller nose – see previous blog), for many years and so holidays were just something other people did.  I wasn’t too upset about it until we got our big Ted the Landseer Newfoundland.  Newfoundlands are water dogs and are used by the Coastguard to save people in distress.  They even have webbed feet which make them amazing swimmers… you really should google them, incredible gentle giants.   Anyhoo my dream for a long time has been to see my big soft lad and our other two dogs, Miley and Ralph at the seaside…. beside the sea.  

At this point my anxiety levels had dropped enough to enable the journey  but with three large dogs it’s not easy to find people who are willing to let you use their facilities.  Fate (or Toffee as I call it) stepped in once again and some wonderful friends of ours offered  us the chance to used their beautiful, caravan in Borth, North Wales.   I will be forever grateful to Richard and Maria for giving us this opportunity and I cried tears of real joy as we strolled along the water front with our beloved dogs on that first sunny day of our holiday.  We are already booked to go again next year and this makes me so happy and so grateful. 


Around this time another exciting new opportunity presented itself when a house that was just about in our budget became available in Milford where I was born and bred and 90% of my family live.  Although we were technically downgrading size wise the location and vast garden more than made up for it.

And so the big clean up to get our house on the market began.  Oh my god it’s not until you see your house through the eyes of a potential buyer that you realise quite what a shit hole you live in.  The last time we decorated we only had one aged Labrador and so I had chosen a very lovely matt finish paint…  throw a load of Newfie drool, dirty scaffolder hands and various other unmentionables on that and you’ve got yourself a job on.  Two weeks of scrubbing, tip runs and tarting up  (not forgetting lorry loads of plug in air fresheners) later and we were on the market.  Add in the stress of trying keep the house nice and show it without the dogs eating the potential buyers the whole episode near finished me off. 

To cut a very long story short  we realised that financially it was just a stretch too far and actually we rather liked where we already lived.  We decided instead to invest some money into converting the garage into a large utility room and in the spring work will start on improving the outside to make it work better for us and our dogs.   We are more than happy with our decision and also glad that, although it proved a  stressful time for us, it did give us a proverbial kick up the arse to finally sort our house and finances out. 


Not really wanting to finish the year off on a low but given that it is going to feature heavily for the rest of my life needs must. 

A few months ago I began to feel increasingly tired.. walking through treacle tired.  I put it down to age, menopause, manual labour (dog grooming is bloody hard graft you know) and early starts at my job in Milford.  But as bed time went from 9pm to 8pm to literally looking at the clock from 5pm onwards I just knew something was not quite right.  After all this year marks 4 years sober for me and nearly 3 years off the fags.  That and my very active lifestyle meant I should have been feeling better than I ever had but I just felt more and more lethargic as the weeks went by.


I eventually gave in and went to the doctors believing at best  I needed some extra iron or some B12 or at worst I had a dicky thyroid or something.  The doctor ran a full ‘well woman’ blood panel on me and that was that. 

A few days later I got a call from the surgery to say my liver function tests were extremely elevated along with other stuff which I won’t bore you with but indicated I was suffering with liver disease of some description. 

He was adamant that I see a specialist as soon as possible but with NHS waiting times meaning it could be March before I would see a consultant he urged me to make an initial private appointment to get the ball rolling.  After a visit to see a hepatologist at Rowley Hall it would seem I have a condition called Autoimmune Hepatitis which is where the liver literally attacks itself.  This has nothing to do do with alcohol at all and is just bloody unlucky (oh the irony!).   

In better news though an initial ultrasound showed no real damage has been done outwardly at this stage.  I am booked in for something called a fibroscan and more tests in a couple of weeks to give the doctors a better idea of how far along I am and the best management of my condition.   I’m glad my gut instinct was to get things checked out as this is a lifelong condition and if left untreated can wreak havoc on your liver.   It is sadly a disease  that will need fairly aggressive steroid and immune suppression treatment at first which is pretty scary but I know is necessary. (Scary weight gain and moon face coming up – I’ll look like drop dead Fred when he got his face shut in the fridge door) 


How glad I am that I put that bottle down 4 years ago as things could be a whole lot worse now and I’m staying positive with my goals this year to improve my diet, cut out the crap and just get on with the business of living, loving and being as dog obsessed as ever! 


Happy New Year all 



How to get the cut you want at the Groomers

hamish (8 of 1)-2As dog groomers , one of the most frustrating parts of our job is communicating with a client as to what type of cut they want for their dog.   Too often they are unable to verbalise what they want or they have unrealistic expectations and become upset when they don’t get what they envisioned.

I’ve put together a short blog to help you get the look you want for your dog when you visit our grooming salon.

Do your research and be able to communicate your expectations.

“Short” is not a length. Our idea of short and your idea of short may be a couple of inches apart.  Telling your groomer to take your dog short without being reasonably specific is like going into a paint shop and telling them you want to paint your house pink.  Baby pink? fushia pink? carnation pink?  How about rose pink or neon pink?  (you get the point)

Short is an adjective that leaves much to the imagination.  If you are unsure of what length you want ask Keely to do a couple of test strips on your dog starting with the blade closest to your dogs’ current coat length.  This way you get a visual idea of what length you will be coming back to.

If you are unable to communicate what you want, the result of the groom may not be what you expected.  Be prepared to describe how you like the ears, tail, face etc to look.  Take time to research, ask questions or take notes to give to us for the next groom on what you did or didn’t like.  It may take a few grooms before you get a look that you are fully happy with.

We are happy for you to bring in photo’s to show what you like but keep in mind even dogs of the same breed have different hair types.  What looks good on one Westie may not look the same on another.   Condition of the coat also makes a huge difference, which we will talk about next.

Take care of your dog’s coat, or be prepared to get a cut you are less than thrilled with!

Groomers are unfortunately not miracle workers.  You can’t not brush your own hair for 6 months and expect your hairdresser to make you look like a celebrity.  The same rules apply to dog grooming.  Most ‘hair’ breeds need to be groomed professionally every 6-8 weeks, PLUS be brushed out regularly between grooms at home.

If you like your dog to have a longer coat you will need to keep a strict grooming schedule or be prepared to have them clipped shorter than you like.  We cannot brush out matted hair and if left too long this can cause pain to the dog and in severe cases will require a visit to the vet to have the coat clipped under anesthetic.

If you are unsure what methods and tools to use to keep your dogs hair in good condition please ask  We are more than happy to advise you on tools and products for your dogs hair type and coat.

Make your next appointment with us before you leave.  That way you have a regime which keeps your dog comfortable and looking fabulous at all times.  Also you won’t be caught off guard during our busy times and have to wait weeks to get another appointment when your dog is already overdue.

I hope you have found this article useful and it helps us all to get the great results we love.

sat (8 of 1)

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Love from all at Hillcroft Bark

Snapshots of my life by Helen Overmire

Creating the impossible #dailycreation

Around 4 years ago I came across a new field of psychology which slowly but surely transformed my life.  It started with me clicking an audio link on Facebook and has since gone on to slowly but irrevocably transform my life.

I will explain more about this understanding in another blog on another day but for now just stay with me.

One of the most high profile and successful coaches in this field is an inspirational and charismatic chap called Michael Neill.  Michael started life as an actor, then became a leading coach in NLP before stumbling across this new understand which transformed the way he coached his clients in everything from self esteem to drug addiction.

Nick and I were lucky enough to go and listen to Michael speak in London around 4 years ago and since then I have read all of his books, joined his inner circle, and found more peace and sobriety in my life than I ever dreamed possible.

For years Michael Neill has run an annual course called ‘Creating the Impossible’ which I have been dying to be a part of for some time.  I enrolled on an advanced course of his towards the end of last year and as part of that group was given the opportunity to be involved in his Creating the Impossible programme for a fraction of it’s usual cost.

The object of the course  is to choose a dream or goal that you feel is way beyond your capabilities and just go for it, full out and fearless, just for the fun of it.  It can be anything from making a million pounds to having a number one chart hit, to getting on a plane after nearly 35 years of being too afraid (yes me, but that’s not what I’m choosing …not this time anyway).

I’ve yet to choose my mission as I’m calling it but I have a few ideas.

Part of our ‘warm up’ to the three month course is a ‘daily creation’ where we are asked to go out into the world and just create something, anything, out of nothing.  This can be as simple as taking a photograph, making a sandwich or doodling on the back of your diary (I might have done all three of those things).  To be honest I thought I had better put a bit more effort in and so I came to ‘create’ this blog.

I just love to ramble on in a blog every now and then and folks seem to enjoy reading them so I have decided to make it a more frequent occurrence.  For today I’m pretty much going to be leaving things here, but over the next few months I aim to write some stories about my life. The good, the bad, the ugly and even possibly the boring who knows? … I certainly won’t until I sit down and start to create…

If you have any interest whatsoever in what I have been talking about please take a look at Michael’s new book which was actually born from this course and something you can play along with too if the mood takes you.

It is as you might expect called ‘Creating the Impossible by Michael Neill’.

I am away to post this to the group with my hashtag #dailycreation


PS I created the picture below to draw attention to my blog post! 😀




ralph black wallWhen Two Become Three


As we move into 2018 I wanted to come and update my blog and let you know what’s been occurring over the last 12 months. Things continue to evolve and change in my life, as they do for all people I suppose. I’m proud to be 3 years sober this January and although I’m not going to bang on about my sobriety I will say It remains one of the biggest and best decisions of my life and is something I am incredibly proud of. (oh and I’m 15 months off the fags now too yay me! )

As I signed off my blog in January of last year I jokingly put a shout out to the universe for another dog. Now granted I did ask for a female Newfoundland but as we all know we don’t always get what we want but we pretty much always get what we need.
On January 29th 2017 an inbox pinged into my Facebook message folder. It was from the daughter of an old friend of mine and was regarding her heartbreaking decision to re-home their Chocolate Labrador puppy.
I want to make it clear from the get go that there is no judgement of this young family they just had realised that they had totally misjudged the tremendous amount of time, energy and space a young Labrador requires. They loved this pup enough to know that they couldn’t give him everything he needed and so they reached out to me for help.
If you have followed my previous writings you will know that 3 and a half years ago I lost my beloved Chocolate Labrador Toffee. She was the love of my life and my heart was broken when she developed a very aggressive form of cancer and I had to make the heart wrenching decision to let her go. I always said I would never get another Labrador as they couldn’t possibly live up to my sainted girl Toffee. But as I said the universe (and actually probably Toffee) had other ideas for me.
So back to the inbox….
My friend went on to explain that the only home they really wanted for their wayward pup was with us as they knew how much we adored our dogs and of course they knew I had a special place in my heart for Chocolate labs. Whilst I massively sympathised with their plight I explained that with two very large, young dogs already in the house there was absolutely no way we could take on another. By this point though I had become involved with our local rescue organisation, Petwelfare Stafford and so I assured her that we could find the best possible home for her puppy. In in the meantime Nick and myself offered to foster him for a while…
Enter Ralph…
As Nick and I walked into the small terraced house we were greeted by a whirlwind of chocolate with hair and teeth. I could immediately see why this family needed to find a new home for this cute little Tasmanian Devil. With a young toddler in the house it was a situation that needed addressing quickly. There was no malice in little Ralphie at all and he clearly adored his family but he must have knocked the baby over about 5 times in the the first 30 seconds. I looked at Nick’s face and he looked like Balloo in the Jungle Book. He was gone, solid gone….
The day we brought Ralph home was possibly the wettest, windiest and ugliest day of the year. I always knew that introducing him to my other dogs Miley and Ted was going to be an interesting experience but what happened over the next few hours will stay with me for a very long time! Miley my Golden Retriever was excited but as expected happy to let this little chocolate furball into the family.
Ted on the other hand totally lost his shit.
Ted (my enormous Newfoundland) didn’t want to hurt Ralph, on the contrary he wanted to play and envelope him in his ‘special hugs’. Any other pup in the world would have panicked and run for the hills but not young Ralph, hell no, it was like challenge accepted. For the next 4 hours they ran around the house and gardens getting covered in mud and bouncing off the walls. Every surface of my house was covered in mud and it looks like the T-Rex vs the Raptor scene in Jurassic Park. Even when Ted was starting to slow down Ralph kept launching himself at him and so it went on. I was exhausted. The final straw was when Ralph calmly did a huge steaming turd in the middle of the front room carpet before catapulting around the house again.
“Enough!” I screamed. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this, he will have to go back” I sobbed to Nick. I was exhausted and emotional but adamant in my decision that I just couldn’t cope with the situation. Fortunately Ralph was used to being crated so we put him to bed and arranged to return him the next day.

The family was working and so I knew I had Ralph until late in the afternoon. I decided to take him to spend the day with me and Keely at the grooming shop. This marked the beginning of the end as Ralph followed me around gazing lovingly up at me and never straying from my side for a minute. Without the chaos of the other two I could see what a gorgeous lad he was and fell more in love as the hours ticked by. ” I might just keep him for another night” I said to Keely and she winked at me knowingly..
We still had the other dogs to consider though so I braced myself for the onslaught as I brought him back to the house later that day. As I walked through the front door Miley and Ted greeted him like he had always been a part of the pack and they all just lay down and went to sleep.
I was gobsmacked but left them in Nick’s care as I quickly popped off to Slimming Club. while I was in the line waiting to be weighed my phone rang. It was my friend from Petwelfare saying they had found a perfect home for Ralph. I burst into tears and sobbed ” you’re not taking my fucking dog anywhere!” ” I thought you might say that” said my friend and Ralph officially became an Overmire in that moment.
What I realise as I am writing this blog is that 2017 was all about Ralph! His energy and enthusiasm for life has had a massive impact on our family and although he is possibly the naughties dog I’ve ever owned, I simply couldn’t imagine life without him. As I mentioned at the top of my story I am pretty sure Toffee had everything to do with his arrival in my life and that brings me such peace and comfort. Ralph is very like her in so many ways and he makes me belly laugh on a daily basis with his antics.
While my darling Toffee will remain forever in my heart, the love and fun I get from my three amigo’s fills me with so much love and I am grateful for them every single day.
I continue to enjoy working in my retail job and my work pals feel like family to me now.
I’m pleased to report my friendship with Keely goes from strength to strength as does her brilliant dog grooming business. To this end I have now set up my own business at home as we no longer had the room or time for me to photograph the dogs in the grooming shop.

I now have my own dog photography studio at home and I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be combining the two things I am most passionate about…Dogs and Photography… you couldn’t make this shit up!
I am finally living the life I know I was always meant to live. Surrounded by dogs and love. What better way to start a new year and I am so excited to see where 2018 takes me.
My love and best wishes to you all.
Happy New Year.Ralph 2